Compared to Trump, Joe Biden has been the Greatest President in History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart President Biden’s accomplishments are many: far more than his three predecessors. However, he would never be called “the greatest president who every served,” unless he is compared to Donald Trump. Not only did Trump accomplish nothing, not a single positive thing, in four years, he divided our nation and finally, just weeks before his expulsion from the White House, attempted to overthrow our government. Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene and all of the “MAGA Republicans,” who can also be labeled “The American Fascist Party,” or “The American Nazi Party,” continue to blame the President for our government’s failures to solve our nation’s biggest problems. However, a little civics lesson for these ignorant men and women: it is the right and duty of congress to create and pass legislation, not the executive branch. Mr. Biden can either sign the bills into law, or veto them. Healthcare, Immigration reform, the ridiculously high cost of ...