House of Representatives Continues to Display Corruption and Incompetence: America’s Government is Broken Beyond Repair
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart There is little difference when discussing the TEA Party or the Freedom Caucus. Both extremist groups have been bought and paid for by America’s billionaires and have the same goal: end democracy in America, establish a permanent Plutocracy, and institute a fascist regime to guarantee the change in our nation’s political system. Let’s explore a little reality right now. Kevin McCarthy was never a legitimate Speaker of the House: he was nothing but a tool for the extremists in his party and Trump. 15 votes were required to allow him to receive the gavel. Meanwhile, he gave away all of his power, his dignity and his principles to the Freedom Caucus. He was removed from the House because he refused to take action so extreme, it could only be labeled as fascist. Another first for America. After numerous names were offered to replace McCarthy, a man no one knew was chosen as the next Speaker. MIKE JOHNSON IS AN EXTREMIST WHO HATES EVERYTHING DEFINED AS “AMERICAN” Mik...