Unwarranted Hate, Caused by Unwarranted Prejudices: This is Donald Trump’s Plan for America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I may be wasting my time, my number of daily readers has declined. I can only assume that what I have to say is offensive to some. However, this issue is more important than anything else I have to say. I have always promised to offer nothing less than the absolute truth, facts which are denied by millions of Americans. If the truth makes you angry, then don’t read what I have to say. However, I will never cease to claim that “the truth lives here.” From 2013 when I began writing for a Las Vegas newspaper, one thing has never changed: my total disgust with men and women who harbor hatred based on some form of prejudice. IGNORANCE CAN BE FORGIVEN, BUT TO CHOOSE IGNORANCE OVER FACT IS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY Racism, homophobia, misogyny, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Xenophobia, and any other form of prejudice is to choose ignorance over fact, over the reality of what it means to be an American citizen. Although support for the Neo-Nazi movement in America began l...