Proof the SCOTUS is Overstepping Its Responsibilities.

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I am not overstating this fact: The Supreme of Court of the United States is corrupt. Six of the Justices have no interest in the Constitution. They support the agenda of the American Fascist Party in 2024. The End of The Rule of Law Their most egregious actions involve the repeal of Roe v Wade on June 24, 2022, and its refusal this month to support section three of the Fourteenth Amendment which would have prevented Trump from being on the ballot on 2024. What this means is the Constitution is null and void . America is now a land without the rule of law. The End of a Respected Supreme Court Until 2020, when Moscow Mitch broke his own rule and confirmed a religious extremist for the Supreme Court with just weeks left before the general election, I relied on the Supreme Court to save our nation from Trump’s efforts to end democracy and replace it with a fascist regime. He would become America’s Fuhrer. However...