
Showing posts with the label 2016 Election

What If: How Vladimir Putin’s Agent Attempted to Destroy America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart November 8, 2016 should have been a day of celebration for every American. As the polls closed, Hillary Clinton was winning the popular vote. America would have not only its first woman president, it would have chosen the most qualified candidate in history to lead our nation for the next four years. Of course this did not happen. When the votes were counted in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan a total of less than 80,000 total votes allowed these three states to decide who would be our president. The Electoral College negated the will of the people as it did in 2000.. How did this happen? I and others were confused for weeks. However, although our government denies the facts today, a story was released and then quickly redacted about a meeting held in the Oval Office in October of 2016. The subject of the meeting was to inform our nation’s leaders about the results of an investigation by all 17 agencies of America’s intelligence community completed on Octob

What’s Missing from Today’s Fake Republican Party? Dignity, Self-Respect, and Patriotism

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   If you call yourself a Republican, and surrende red to Donald Trump in 2017, you also gave away your dignity, self-respect, and proved you are not a patriotic American. You have pledged your fealty to a traitor whose primary objective is to end democracy in America and replace it with a fascist regime.   If you are Kristi Noem, Elise Stefanik, Tim Scott, or Marco Rubio, you are an embarrassment to yourself, real Republicans of the past, and the United States of A merica . You are betraying yo ur coun try and abandonin g your oath of office hoping that you will be the running mate of the worst illegitimate president in American history. You are sad an d pitiful because you are the reason the American people hate professional politicians. You have made those two words the most disgusting and hated profession in our nation’s history.   TODAY, I AM EMBARRASSED TO BE AN AMERICAN   I once had some respect for both major political parties. How times have c

Will You Allow Putin and Trump to Steal the Presidency Again?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart “For reasons of national security,” is bullshit. In October of 2016, leaders of America’s security services informed the leaders of our government that Vladimir Putin was interfering in our election, attempting to secure the presidency for Donald Trump. However, our corrupt leaders refused to inform the American people about this fact. After the election, in which Trump was gifted the Electoral College vote, our leaders in Washington claimed that Putin’s efforts had no effect on the outcome. This was another huge lie. An abundance of evidence since that day proved that the election was rigged. This huge failure by our government is why our nation failed to move forward into the 21 st century. Trump and his fake Republican Party moved our country backwards into the dark days of the mid-twentieth century. One by one our basic rights, guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, began to disappear. These efforts by Trump and his fascist party continued after Trump was evicte

Will a Corrupted Supreme Court Ignore the Constitution Again?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart January 6, 2021, was by far the darkest day in American History. A sitting president executed an attempted coup which he previously organized, and planned with the assistance of leaders of America’s Neo-Nazi traitors. Hundred of men and women have been prosecuted and convicted for crimes including sedition, but none of them were charged with treason. Why, I will never know. Today it appears that the most corrupted Supreme Court in history is considering the invalidation of a large number of those convictions, which will eventually result in the acquittal of America’s greatest traitor who should be in prison today awaiting trial and possibly execution. Donald Trump is the worst thing to happen to our nation in 247 years. IS THE END OF AMERICA ABOUT TO HAPPEN? Six justices, calling themselves “conservatives,” but in reality are right wing extremists, so far to the right they embrace fascism, appear to be in doubt about a law passed after the Enron scandal. [One pa

Darkest Days in American History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   America’s past is filled with dark memories. Unfortunately, our country has failed to learn from all of these mistakes. I offer you my list of the ten darkest days in America’s history from bad to worst.   ONE OF SEVERAL ILLEGAL AND UNNECESSARY WARS   On April 20, 1975, the last helicopter left Saigon, leaving many men and women behind who had assisted the American military in the 20-year war in Vietnam. To this day no one has been able to justify America’s engagement in a war halfway around the world. More than 58,200 men who were drafted into an illegal war lost their lives. Vietnam would become one of many wars lost by America.  ar, SCOTUS VOIDS THE 14 TH AMENDMENT   I know it’s the truth, because I watched all three hours of the attempted coup on January 6, 2021. Trump controlled the entire violent attack on our Capitol Building. According to section three of the 14 th Amendment, he is ineligible to run for any elected office. However, on March 4, 2