
Showing posts with the label Voting Rights

America’s Government is the Most Corrupt and Uncaring in the World

A short list of reasons why America will never be a great country.   In the general election, your vote may not count. As long as the Electoral College exists, states will choose our presidents. The popular vote means nothing. Therefore, if your candidate does not win the majority of votes in most states, your opinion does not count. I believe this is a violation of the intent of the First Amendment. The United States is the only developed nation which fails to provide universal healthcare. At least one-half of all elected officials in Washington do not believe that you should have the same access to healthcare as they do. In support of billionaires/oligarchs, they consistently vote against any measure which would provide the best healthcare available for all Americans. Most developed nations provide free or low-cost higher education for all of their people. Not America. Only the wealthy can afford to attend a college or university in 2025. Each year we lose thousands of our nation...

Another Huge Step Towards Fascism by Your Chosen Fuhrer

The First Amendment was the only Amendment in the Bill of Rights without dissention. Our Founding Fathers considered it the most important part of the Constitution. Your most important right is the right to vote. Trump is acting as I predicted, seeking the end of free and fair elections. I begin with an allegation. I am claiming here and now that the 2024 election was rigged. Voting machines can be hacked, and after weeks of investigation into the possibilities and comparing the extremely contentious results of the 2020 and 2024 elections, I believe that the 2024 and 2016 elections were rigged by Vladimir Putin. I am also 100 percent convinced that the alleged assassination attempt in Pennsylvania was staged. That said, here is what Trump told a gathering of red state’s governors at the White House yesterday. Trump will demand “in-person” voting only. This would prevent my right to vote, and the rights of millions of other Americans. I am physically disabled and incapable of waiting in...

One Example of One of the Most Important Issues of This Election

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In 1981 the Republican Party began to change. It could no longer be called “the Party of Lincoln.” Right wing politicians had begun their abandonment of the principles, morals, and ideals of a great President, and an even greater man. One change remains a dark fact which is no longer a secret. Facts confirm that when there is a large voter turnout the results of the election favor Democrats. Today every red state has passed laws focused on voter suppression. This is a major issue no one is talking about. The targets are specific groups which historically support Democratic candidates. A combination of this fact and Republican racism and bigotry led Republicans to place an emphasis on Black voters, but now includes anyone who is not pure white and Christian. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE 2020 ELECTION Trump suffered a devastating defeat in the 2020 election. He knows it. However, his affliction with malignant narcissism prevents him from accepting this irrefutable fact. Th...

Hello Kansas, Hello Fascism, and Good-Bye First Amendment

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart From January 21, 2017, until today, I have witnessed at least one incident each day when a right-wing politician displays his or her preference for the end of democracy in America, and the institution of a fascist regime, with Trump as their Fuhrer. The latest happened last week when a split decision by the Kansas Supreme Court declared that the state’s Constitution does not guarantee the right to vote. [Justice Melissa Taylor Standridge called the decision troubling, with far-reaching implications, and that the ruling “defies history, law, and logic and is just plain wrong.”] [“For over 60 years, this interpretation of section 2 has been our precedent,” she wrote. “Without even a hint that it’s doing so, the majority overturns this precedent today.”] FROM THE HIGHEST COURT IN THE LAND TO THE FIRST TERM LOCAL POLITICIAN, THE CONSTITUTION IS UNDER ATTACK The right-wing is loyal to Donald Trump. It rejects the foundation for the existence if the United States, the...

Trump’s Hidden Reason for Seeking the Presidency in 2024

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It is obvious that Trump has two reasons for seeking the presidency in 2024. He wants to avoid dying in prison, and he is following orders coming directly from Vladimir Putin. He has been commanded to complete his instructions from 2017-2021. As with everything else in his life, he failed miserably. However, there is a third reason carefully hidden from the people of the United States, patriots who will never support his fascist ambitions. If he becomes the Commander-in-Chief again, he could order our military to destroy anyone who would rebel against his plan to end democracy once and for all, and establish a fascist regime with him as America’s Fuhrer. THE RED HATS Real Americans are fully aware that Trump’s red hats, spreading the philosophy of “Make America Great Again,” actually mean “Make America White Again.” This is no secret, it is reality. In 2018, by his own words, Trump confirmed the fact that he is the leader of the white supremacy m...

Nothing is More Important to America’s Future than an Informed Electorate

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart We are responsible for one irrefutable fact: the government of the United States is the most incompetent and corrupt in the world. We the people, the voting public, without accurate information, and being led astray by the right-wing propaganda machine, FOX News, and other extremist fake news organizations, elected the worst of the worst: men and women who are woefully incompetent and have no loyalty to our nation and our people. WHEN THE END BEGAN In 2009 the Republican Party endorsed a policy which became its ultimate demise in 2017. In that fateful year, the Koch brothers, confirmed as the wealthiest billionaires in our nation behind Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, funded a group of incompetent men and women who promised to support every issue important to these anti-American billionaires. They called themselves the “TEA Party, and acronym for “taxed enough already,” a catchy name without substance or meaning. The truth is, Republican leadership h...

American Voters are Unhappy: Conservatives are Fascists, and Democrats are Cowards

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It is virtually a fact that the primaries in 2024 are worthless. President Biden said he is running because Trump will be the Republican nominee. The only reason Trump is running is to avoid spending the remainder of his worthless life in prison.   The primaries have proven one thing, most Americans are not happy with the choices offered them in 2024, and I cannot criticize them for their displeasure.   However, the differences between the two old, white men are significant and obvious.   President Biden loves his country and his accomplishments for all Americans are impressive to say the least. He continues his attempts to unify our country and move our n ation forward into the 21 st cent ury. Our economy is growing faster than at any time since 2000. The facts prove that his successes greatly outnumber not only his immediate predecessor, but those of all three comb ined. He has been a working, patriotic, and American president. ...

Passed on October 26, 2001, the Patriot Act was a Desperate Action and Remains a Violation of the Bill of Rights

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The George W. Bush Administration forced the passage of several policies which remain and are in direct violation of the Bill of Rights. Eager to defend the failure of “W’s” administration to protect our nation from attacks which took the lives of nearly 3,000 innocent men, women, and children, they passed the Patriot Act less than two months after the cowardly attacks on 9/11. Among the other failures by the second worst president in history, was the creation of ICE. Over my 77 years as a patriot, 67 as an American interested in our political system, I have become greatly fearful as I watched our guarantees under the Bill of Rights removed by a corrupt government. The right-wing continues to move us further to the right and away from the democratic promises of our Founding Fathers. “Fascism has arrived in America and it’s waving a flag and wearing a cross.” After the passage of the Patriot Act, illegal searches became the norm, and seizure ...