Our Country’s Morals and Goals Should Return to the Ideals of 1960’s America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart First, let me inform you that I feel fortunate to have been an original “baby boomer.” What I have experienced in my life will never be repeated by any other generation. Everything from the growth of commercial air travel, to how we communicate in 2024 began in my lifetime. I cannot say that all of the changes are positive: human beings are far from perfect. However, as a septuagenarian, I will tell you that I was forced to learn about new inventions and how to use them many times during every decade. My education existed beyond what I learned in school. Every day life offered me more information than I could possibly learn in the few hours I attended classes. By the way, we read newspapers daily to learn what was happening in our country and around the world. Television news was in its infancy. Today, television “news” is more concerned about selling advertising than informing our nation’s people. ONE MAN CHANGED THE WAY YOUNG AMERICA USED FREE THOUGHT I began ...