Lindsey Graham has Become a Whiny Little Bitch
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Before Senator John McCain’s death in 2018, Lindsey Graham was a somewhat rational man. It seems that the Senator from Arizona kept the little man from South Carolina in line, and influenced him to do the right thing most of the time. However, almost immediately after Senator McCain lost his battle with cancer, Graham began to offer his allegiance to the man his closest friend despised. I will always wonder why? Senator McCain was a man with principles and integrity. Trump is a man filled with hatred and cares only for himself. The reality is that Graham is now a man without morals who supports a man he knows is opposed to everything loyal Americans like John McCain stood for. A CORRUPT SUPREME COURT, FIVE MEN AND FOUR WOMEN, COULD BRING AN END TO THE DREAM OF OUR FOUNDING FATHERS No sane human being can deny that just before the 2020 election Moscow Mitch McConnell stacked the Supreme Court with three additional justices who are politically bias...