Sean Hannity Once Again Places his Head Up His A**

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart “Fox News” is not only a misnomer, it is an insult to every legitimate journalist who ever wrote a single word. The only reason this right-wing propaganda machine has existed since 1996 is found in its audience. Its fans choose to believe the many lies, half-truths, and conspiracy coming from its fake journalists every day. At the top of this pile of excrement is a little man who continues his efforts to be the worst political hack in our nation’s history. His name is Sean Hannity. Hannity continues to talk to Trump on a daily basis, although he was overheard calling the leader of fascism in America multiple derogatory names questioning his intelligence. Just another right-wing hypocrite. His latest benefactor is one of Trump’s most devout a** kissers, Ohio Representative, Jim Jordan. One of the founders of the fascist “Freedom Caucus,” Jordan is attempting to replace the worst Speaker of the House in history, Kevin McCarthy. If he achieves his goal, he wi...