
Showing posts with the label Impeachment

Republicans Continue to Place Politics in Position Number One and Refuse to do the Jobs for Which They Were Elected

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Since January of 2009 Republicans in Washington have done nothing. Although they were elected to serve the needs and wishes of the American people, they ignore the voting public and focus on special interests and their own ambitions. In 2016 House Republicans spent most of their time on baseless attacks against Hillary Clinton, desperate to win elections. This cost taxpayers millions of dollars and unfairly poisoned the credibility of the most qualified presidential candidate in history. What our country received was the least qualified lifetime criminal in history claiming the title of President of the United States. In January of 2009 Moscow Mitch McConnell and then Speaker of the House, John Boehner, stood before the cameras and swore that “their party would do nothing until ‘that man’ was out of office.” They continue to keep that promise although President Obama left office in January of 2017. 2023 has exposed the incompetence and unw...

America is a Nation Without Laws

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   During the 2016 campaign, Trump told his fascist supporters: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible." Sadly this is true. The wealthy and powerful in America are never punished for their crimes. Trump was impeached twice for confirmed Constitutional violations and given a free pass by a Republican Senate when he was acquitted twice. He is a traitor who planned, organized, and executed an attempt to overthrow our government, but remains a free man. He stole dozens of classified documents, including top secret nuclear documents and lied about this fact. Unlike the Rosenbergs, who acted in the same manner in the 1950’s, he remains a free man. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed in 1955 for their acts of treason against the United States of America. It is not surprising tha...

Republicans, What Are They Good For? Absolutely Nothin’

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   On this day, 9-18-23, what are House Republicans doing? They are focusing on two things. First, they want to impeach President Biden, although there are no valid reasons. Second, they want to put thousands of American out of work by shutting down the government. I ask you, what good will these two actions accomplish for the American people? Who in the hell are these guys? Why are they in Washington? Over the last 14 years the men and women who call themselves Republicans have earned the label of “the party of no.” It is true that they have accomplished nothing of value since the inauguration of President Barach Obama, but a more accurate label would be “the party without purpose.” Today’s fake Republicans refuse to perform the jobs for which they were elected. The path they have chosen will destroy every positive accomplishment made by a real government over the last 60-70 years. The most accurate name for the members of the once Grand Old Party of today i...

The Only Thing the GOP Knows how to do is Waste Time and Taxpayer Money

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   “Convict Hunter Biden of Anything.” “Impeach Joe Biden without a legitimate reason.” “Protect Trump even if he is convicted of treason.” “End democracy and create a fascist state.” These are the goals of today’s fake Republican Party. McCarthy is owned by the Freedom Caucus, a group so far to the right it can only be labeled as fascist. Unlike Trump, who was impeached twice for violating the Constitution, Biden has done nothing wrong. Quite the opposite, he saved our nation from additional damage from the Covid-19 disaster created by Trump. He also saved an economy which was moving closer to a depression, while saving millions of jobs. He signed an infrastructure bill which was decades overdo which will help to repair roads, bridges, schools, and decaying government buildings. And America is once again a supporter of the Paris Accord which will aid in the lessening of climate change. However, the failed men and women who call themselves “R...

What Should Our Government Do About a Former President Who Is Openly Threatening His Accusers?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   For four years Trump was the “Don” of the Washington Mafia. He and his army remain free and are allowed to spread their lies, conspiracy theories, and divide our nation irrevocably. During the 2016 campaign Trump told his cult that he ‘could shoot someone in Times Square and nothing would happen.’ He believed then that he was above the law. In two impeachment trials, Moscow Mitch McConnell proved that he was, and today our entire government in Washington refuses to place him in a federal prison although the world knows he is the greatest criminal in American history. Donald Trump is what he has been for 77 years. His actions between 2017 and 2021 were expected if you read the facts about his pitiful life, a life void of accomplishments and composed of criminal actions and lascivious events which should have prevented his victory in 2016. The truth is simple: Republican politicians and Republican voters are to blame for everything wrong with America today. ...