
Showing posts with the label Prejudice

Once Again, the Media Displays its Support for the Right Wing

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Regardless of which major news network you watch or read, you are being lied to. The mainstream media fails to offer their viewers and readers the complete truth about anything political since 2016. It has been obvious over the last eight years that millionaires and billionaires stick together. It doesn’t matter to those reporting the news on television that all right-wing politicians have become the enemies of the majority. These professional politicians, (pardon the foul language), are millionaires and billionaires, and they are a small but powerful club which shares a common goal: more money. THE PLUTOCRACY GROWS In 2024 there are more than 22 million millionaires and 813 billionaires in America. These numbers increased over the pandemic. How? In America, money is king and the men and women who compose the working class are considered peasants. Unlike Walter Cronkite, Edward R. Murrow, David Brinkley, and others who were paid working man’s wages for their rep...

Was Anyone not Aware that the GOP is Racist and Homophobic?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   On Easter Sunday President Biden recognized a small and maligned group of Americans. Since 2009, March 31 st has been a day for recognizing the plight of Americans who identify themselves as transexuals. After mentioning this fact , t he President was immediately attacked by Trump and his Fascist Party, calling him everything imaginable including “ A Satan worshipper.”   I want to inform every member of the fake Republican Party that real Americans were already aware that they are racists, bigots, homophobes, and misogyni sts. We did not need additional proof.   Has Easter Sunday Become a Day to Celebrate Hatred and Prejudice?   It would appear that Easter Sunday is no longer a day for Christians to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but a day to express hatred and pr ejudice for anyone who is not white and heterosexual.   Diversity is America’s Greatness, and Includes Sexual Orien tation   Freedom is a word whi...


  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart When I was a young man, I listened to my grandfather and my uncles at family gatherings. At some point politics became the subject of discussion. I often heard them say that the two parties are almost the same. Nothing could be more inaccurate in 2024. Being in a room with a group of Democrats or a group of all Republicans would feel like two different countries. Let’s review some “Easter messages” from President Biden, Trump, and other anti-American, fake Republicans. [President Joe Biden released a statement in support of the 15th annual Transgender Day of Visibility, saying, “we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation’s commitment to forming a more perfect Union — where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives.”] This celebration began on March 31, 2009, and on the same day every following year. I will not offer you Trump’s excessively long and often repeat...

I Received Support for my Allegations that Reagan is Responsible for Our Nation’s Financial Woes and Our Government’s Incompetence and Corruption

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   For as long as I have been a political writer, I have claimed that Ronald Reagan is responsible for two things: our nation’s financial woes and the demise of the Grand Old Party. He not only admitted that his administration supported the super-rich, he bragged about it. He told his party and his wealthy supporters that “greed is good.”   Reagan was also responsible for the demise of the Grand Old Party, completed by Trump in 2017. He demanded complete loyalty and support from every Republican while abandoning the principles and standards of the former Party of Lincoln. He moved his party even farther to the right and extremism with his war on the working class, minorities, women, and non-Christians. Reagan is on my list of the five worst presidents in history. His fiscal policy of “supply side economics,” better known as “ trickle-down economics,” not only reduced the quality of life for most Americans, tax breaks for the super-rich and corporations...