Who is Really to Blame for the Disaster Known as Donald John Trump?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart There are irrefutable facts that Trump’s illegitimate victory on November 8, 2016 was aided by Vladimir Putin, James Comey, and the mainstream media. However, recent investigations into the 2016 campaign and the ensuing election reveal a much deeper responsibility supported by our nation’s major print and internet news sources. They failed their most important responsibilities, and why they are protected by the First Amendment: to expose corruption in our government and report the truth to the American people. This is exceptionally important during the years when our nation’s leader is elected. We learned in 2017 that throughout the 2016 campaign season the mainstream media gave Trump five times more coverage than all other candidates combined. However, he was seldom criticized for his many, many lies or the fact that he and his camp rarely discussed the issues facing our nation. Nor did they stress the fact that he was clearly a white supremacist, a bigot...