What our Government, the Media, and the Right-Wing Propaganda Machine Won’t Tell Us About China

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Throughout the four years of Trump’s reign of terror we constantly heard negative rants about “Jina.” I am not unaware, and there are many issues which disgust me about the government of the most populous nation in the world. However, a great leader finds the ability to make our enemies our allies. Not Trump. The United States and China are the two richest nations, but also the greatest polluters in the world. Both nations are guilty of poisoning our atmosphere with carbon emissions. The American press is quick to blame China for the its part in this very important issue, but never criticize our own failure to take serious action and lessen or end climate change. We must take responsibility for our failures and stop blaming others. So it should be of no surprise to you that the mainstream media fails to report positive efforts from China to lower their part in carbon emissions. I am a believer in two things above all else which identify men and women and t...