
Showing posts with the label " Unfit for Office

Liz Cheney: Displaying Patriotism vs Trumpism

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s radical, fascist-leaning party will call her a “traitor.” The truth is, Liz Cheney is one of the few remaining members of the once Grand Old Party. Her values are not always my values, but she shares one trait we both value above all else: patriotism. We are both loyal Americans who reject an illegitimate presidential candidate who hates our country. The former Representative and daughter of a former Vice-President, joined Kamala Harris during a campaign stop in Wisconsin Thursday. She represents what the Republican Party was and why I have been an Independent voter for my entire adult life. “I was a Republican even before Donald Trump started spray-tanning,” she joked at the event. “Donald Trump was willing to sacrifice our Capitol, to allow law enforcement officers to be beaten and brutalized in his name, and to violate the law and the Constitution in order to seize power for himself,” she later added. “I don’t care if you are a Democrat or a Republica...

Does Anyone Care Who Trump Chooses as his Running Mate?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Whoever the orange buffoon chooses as his running mate, we, the real Americans, can look forward to two things. First, he, (Trump would never choose a woman), must be willing to kiss his humongous derriere for the next four years. Second, if he dares disagree with his Fuhrer, Trump’s Neo-Nazi supporters will be ordered to murder him. Trump’s patterns are easy to follow.   Who’s Leading in the Battle for Trump’s Next Lackey?   I have no idea who Trump is considering for his VP, his little brain is shrinking, and he has proven that he is incapable of making intelligent decisions. However, I can tell you who is sucking up the most, literally begging Trump to choose him. His name is Tim Scott, the Republican Senator from South Carolina.   Although you won’t notice the browns stains on his nose, he is a Black man, you will hear desperation in his voice as he praises the worst president in American history.   Personally, I Hate to See a Bla...