
Showing posts with the label WWIII

I Don’t Trust Trump or Putin Which Made Me Think “Outside the Box”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump and Putin have a lot in common. Both men are egomaniacs and care nothing for anyone but themselves. Both are power mad and believe that money is the only “god” that matters. I believe that Trump’s big lie and the invasion of Ukraine by his handler are tied together.   Putin is Willing to Lose Millions   Putin doesn’t care how many men he has lost over the last two years. He never loses sight of his ultimate goal . This involves Trump, and it began 37 years ago in Moscow when Trump took his first trip to the Russian Capital.   Which makes me ask a serious question: “how big are the numbers of Russian soldiers lost in Ukraine.”   The estimate is 87 percent of Putin’s original invading army have been lost. [“ Russia has lost 315,000 on the battlefield, according to the assessment. 2,200 of 3,500 tanks have been lost, according to the assessmen t. 4,400 of 13,600 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers have also been destroyed, a 32 perce

Trump Seeks the End of NATO

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The media pretended surprise when Trump threatened various members of NATO with a Russian invasion. They are lying to you. It is a well-known fact that Trump is a Russian agent, and has been associated with Vladimir Putin for the last 37 years. Most of his 1987 visit to Moscow remains a secret, and unreported by the mainstream media. It is also a fact that Putin has been focused on the destruction of NATO from the time when he was a high-ranking member of the Russian spy agency, the KGB. If the American people display a level of stupidity beyond my belief and reelect Trump, the orange traitor will surely attempt to disband the organization which has prevented WWIII for the last seven decades. Let’s be perfectly clear, Trump knows nothing about NATO. I am positive that he knows nothing about article five of its charter. The reason there has never been a third world war is because of this paragraph: [Article 5. The key section of the treaty is Article 5. Its commi