Trump’s Puppeteer is the Greatest Threat to America and World Peace

I criticize our government and the mainstream media because everything I write is true. For example, over the last nine years, I revealed a fact which everyone knows, including our leaders in Washington: Vladimir Putin is Trump’s handler, and it is Putin who pulls Trump’s strings and controls our nation’s future. Every man and woman in our government was aware that Putin interfered in our 2016, 2020, and 2024 elections, and he was successful. These were acts of war, but no one suggested a suitable and appropriate response. How many members of our government are loyal to Putin and not to the American people? Courage to simply do the right thing is the missing component in our government today. Putin is Hitler without the bravado and screaming. His goal always has been world domination, and that begins and ends with the fall of the United States. The invasion of Ukraine was not only illegal and immoral, it was a big mistake. Putin’s forces have been decimated, and the financial cost is o...