
Showing posts with the label Christian Religious Right

Whether You are Religious or not, Everyone who Supports the Constitution must be Concerned

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Anyone who refuses to believe that the American people are engaged in a Second Civil War in 2024 is not paying attention. Donald Trump’s fascist party, once known as the “Republican Party,” is actively attempting to overthrow the parts of our Constitution which protects human rights and our freedoms while loyal and patriotic Americans are attempting to save the nation of our Founding Fathers. THE FIRST BATTLE INVOLVES PROTECTING THE FIRST LINE OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Our Founding Fathers packed up and left England after King George III declared the Anglican Church the one true religion of the British Empire. This is why every American is guaranteed the right to practice the religion of their choice or none at all. In the 1970’s, a group of extremist Christian leaders formed what is literally a lobby with the intention becoming involved in the governance

This Story Explains Support for Trump from Evangelical Leaders

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you are 40 years old or under, you’ve probably never heard this old saying: “birds of a feather, flock together.” It’s ancient by modern standards, but it remains true in the 21 st century. It simply means that people who share the same beliefs support each other. This is one of those situations. I FIND IT UNBELIEVABLE THAT ANY TRULY RELIGIOUS PERSON COULD SUPPORT “TRUMPENSTEIN” Think about this: after four years of a failed presidency, indictments for 91 felonies, confirmation that he is a sexual predator, learning that he supports a godless and racist political ideology, fascism, and admission by his own words that if he is reelected, he will escalate his message of anger and hatred for anyone who is not loyal to him, Evangelical leaders continue to support Donald Trump. The explanation for this atrocity is found in a recent exposure of one of Trump’s most adamant supporters. Robert Morris is now the pastor at a Texas megachurch. He pretended to

Religious Intolerance in America

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you are a devout Christian, this story is not intended for you. I respect your beliefs and would be willing to do anything to protect your First Amendment rights. This article is focused on fake Christians, those who do not believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ. This is for the men and women who use religion for personal advancement and are nothing more than pretenders. EVANGELICALS AND A GODLESS PRESIDENT I am focusing on Evangelical leaders who created the Christian Religious Right for personal gain. Their organization began under Ronald Reagan, who was a religious extremist. They proved that they are not Christians when they supported Trump in 2016, and are supporting him again this year. Because right-wing politicians support the CRR, they violate the First Amendment every day. This is a classic example of religious intolerance in America. Read the First Amendment and judge for yourself how the American people are guaranteed the freedom to prac

If You are a Legitimate Christian, You Must Denounce the Hypocrisy in Your Midst

Op-ed by TheWiseOld Fart   If you claim to be a Christian, and continue to support Donald Trump, you are a liar and a hypocrite. I was raised a Catholic, but I am a member of the largest group of Americans today, known as “Nones.” I reject organized religion and all the lies and propaganda from Evangelical leaders.   It is an undeniable fact that Trump is a sexual predator, a lifelong criminal, a misogynist, a homophobe, and a constant prevaricator. The pastor of the Christian church he claims to belong to revealed that “he has never seen him cross the threshold of that church.”   This has not stopped MAGA Republicans from claiming that “America has always been a Christian country.” I am required to inform these malcontents that history proves them wrong.   At the core of why our Founding Fathers created the United States of America is “freedom of religion.” That’s why the first line of the First Amendment reads, “ . Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion

If You are One of the 68 Percent of all Evangelicals Who Support Trump, You are not a Christian

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Only men and women who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ in the New Testament can call themselves “Christians.” Donald Trump has never set foot in the church he claims to support, according to the church’s pastor. Trump is a confirmed and convicted sexual predator, a lifetime criminal, tells lies constantly, and judges everyone crudely while refusing to admit his many mistakes. Anyone who supports this bitter, angry, obese, old white man who spreads anger, hatred, and intitiates violence cannot claim to follow the instructions of the Christ. The majority of Evangelicals are hypocrites. Let me state a personal opinion. Religious interference in America’s government is the greatest danger to our nation’s future. Religious extremism has been the force behind wars and the deaths of millions of innocent men, women, and children for centuries. There is no justification for allowing religions to become a factor in how America is governed. We are not a reli

History and Religion are Inseparable and Explain the Chaos and Evil Which Exists Today

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I admit that I had little interest in the study of history when I was in high school. However when it was not a required class, my interest in what shaped the world in which I existed became of great interest to me. A large part of our country’s people want to cease educating our young men and women about parts of America’s past. They are making great efforts to hide the truth about slavery, and the facts about the LGBTQ community. Their message is simple; “Christian white people can do no wrong.” The history of the world is also the history of religion. They are inseparable. Wars, the loss of millions of innocent lives, and the suffering of all mankind, are the results of religious bigotry and fanaticism. Everything which is wrong in the world and our nation in the 21 st century is the manifestation of the desires of religious leaders to maintain lives of power, influence, and great wealth. Fact: all religions were created by men seeking power over others. T

Four Dangerous Titles: Priest, Minister, Pastor, Reverend

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It is an undeniable fact that the greatest danger to the American people is domestic terrorism. With this irrefutable truth comes an additional fact, Christian leaders have been complicit in the death and destruction of millions of men and women throughout history. In America, religious leaders promote anger, hatred, and instigate violence against those who disagree with their twisted beliefs. They are wealthy and pay no taxes, and giving up these privileges is unthinkable. The first Europeans to land on the shore of the new nation were members of religious institutions. No one was allowed to challenge the leaders of these groups, fearing alienation and retaliation. The term “God” was used continuously, and threats of “eternal damnation” were used as weapons to secure obedience and servitude. Between 1050 and 1300 military assaults, originating from Christian-dominated countries, were responsible for the deaths of Christians and Muslims alike, estimated to be

Right Wing Desperation Confirmed by Fox

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Fox began to back away from supporting Donald Trump after the January 6 insurrection and the indictments for his felonious actions. However, as ratings continue to drop, and fear and desperation replaced the fake news network’s arrogance, the right-wing propaganda machine is once again focusing their attention on the greatest traitor in American history. It is no secret that the extremists on the right side of the aisle seek repeal of the first amendment, unless it is beneficial for their obscene and anti-American agenda. Fox is claiming that Trump had a right to attempt the overthrow of our government, based on the first amendment in the Bill of Rights. Fox claims that Trump had a right to say “some bad things.” What the f**k is happening in this nation? We are devolving into the dark ages when a small group of very rich men controlled our government and the future of our country. If Franklin D. Roosevelt had not become our president, the end of the

Hey America, Get Your Heads Out of Your A**es and Save Your Country

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I try to be professional. Although I occasionally use profanity, I don’t like or enjoy it. However, the truth is it’s time for all Americans to face reality and the truth and save their country from the villains among us. As a young man, I listened to a speech by an animatronic Abraham Lincoln at Disneyland in a long-forgotten attraction named, “Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln.” This speech impressed me and although it has often been misquoted, Its meaning is more important today than ever. "At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." The former were his exact words and If he were alive today, he would know that he was not only a great President, but also a great prophet. Over the last 42

Is Our Government Finally Admitting Trump Is a Traitor?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I watched the entire three hours, beginning with Trump dispatching his Neo-Nazi army to the Capitol Building to the end of the broadcast. Any man or woman who is honest and watched this assault on our democracy can come to one conclusion: Donald Trump committed the greatest act of treason in history. Trump’s defense over 77 years of leading a life of crime has been “I did nothing wrong.” I consider this is a tired excuse and offers no reason for anyone to believe him. His biography proves that he has been guilty of fraud, tax evasion, bribing public officials, sexual assault, money laundering, and adultery. However, when he made the big mistake of agreeing to collude with Vladimir Putin, a man he has known since 1987, and illegitimately became our president in 2016, he was exposed to a reality he could not control with monetary “gifts.” The “real Donald Trump” was revealed to the entire world. Over the last couple of months Trump has been indicted

Marjorie Taylor Greene; so Extreme She is Evicted from the Fascist Freedom Caucus

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The TEA Party, created in 2010 was not far enough to the right for some men and women who call themselves “Republicans.” Therefore in 2015, a group of fascist-leaning right wing politicians created what is known as “the Freedom Caucus.”  Some of the men who created this radical group include Ron DeSantis, Jim Jordan, and Mark Meadows. Marjorie Taylor Greene seemed a perfect fit for these fascists. By her words and actions she proved herself a despicable human being and an enemy of the United States of America. So, why was she forced out of the Freedom Caucus? About two weeks ago she had another altercation with fellow extremist, Lauren Boebert. We have learned that a vote was taken in support of Boebert, defending her against the expletive issued by Greene. Don’t you hate it when chi