
Showing posts with the label Hypocrite


Trump and his gestapo must be stopped. The stories coming from illegally fired federal employees are reminiscent of what happened in 1930’s Germany under the horrific rule of Adolf Hitler. The truth is, Trump and Musk are following Hitler’s Mein Kampf and his own Project 2025 to the letter. Trump is following, his Project 2025 exactly, and acting like the dictator he promised to be. I read about a great deal of unrest from Democrats, the military, and voters, both Democrats and Republicans. Words are just hot air and will accomplish nothing. It’s time to drag Trump out of the White House by his cheap toupee and put him in a federal holding cell. He has been allowed to begin the destruction of our country while violating the Constitution and abusing his presidential powers long enough. Your illegitimate president should never have been allowed to take the oath of office. First and foremost, he has no intention of keeping that oath. Secondly, he is unfit to be our nation’s president if y...

John McCain is Looking Down on His Best Friend, Lindsey Graham, and Asking, “Who in the Hell is This Wimp?”

Lindsey Graham has cemented his legacy. He will forever be remembered as “the biggest wimp in the Senate.” From June of 2015 until November 8, 2016, Graham attacked Trump and rightfully claimed that he would be a danger to our nation’s future. However, after John McCain lost his battle with cancer in 2018, he gleefully surrendered himself to the orange buffoon. Since that day in August, Graham has become one of the biggest hypocrites in world history. The Senator from South Carolina renounced his morals, principles, integrity, and self-respect to the worst man in the world. I was watching television and another Republican legislator, whose name I do not remember said, “if Trump tells us to jump three feet high and scratch our head, we do it.” This is what is wrong with Washington and what is so revolting about Graham. Loyalty to a political party has become priority number one for every Republican politician. Loyalty to a group of criminals calling themselves a political party overshad...

What Does Donald Trump Call his Supporters: “Basement Dwellers,” “Losers,” and “Suckers”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart History will never see a more effective conman than Donald John Trump. For 78 years he made fools of thousands and even millions of Americans for his personal benefit. Yes, it is a fact that Trump is mentally ill. He is the definition of a “malignant narcissist.” Listening to part of his speech today, he is undoubtedly suffering from dementia or a normal but substantial decline in his mental abilities. He is an old 78. However, he continues to lie and create conspiracy theories that are so unbelievable Walt Disney would reject them. ALTHOUGH THERE IS A NOTICABLE DECLINE, TRUMP’S SUPPORTERS REMAIN LOYAL Trump respects no one. He has no interest in anyone other than himself. Recently it was revealed that he despises those men and women who stood by him through every lie. In private, he refers to them as “basement dwellers. You might remember the uproar Hillary Clinton created when she called them “a basket of deplorables.” It is now apparent that Trump and Hillary...

Trump is a Hypocrite: He Does not Support Israel, the Palestinian People, or Ukraine: His Loyalty Belongs to Someone Else

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Recently, Trump appeared before the Israeli-American Council National Summit in Washington. He claimed to support Israel in the current, controversial military action against Hamas. However, he couldn’t end his lie and simply leave, he made another moronic statement prior to his departure. [Israel would likely cease to exist within two years should Harris win the election, and Jews would be partly to blame for that outcome because they tend to vote for Democrats, Trump argued.] On the reverse side, he doesn’t give a damn about the Palestinian people. Trump wants your vote, regardless of your concerns. Donald John Trump is a man without morals, principles or compassion for anyone other than himself. LET’S SWITCH TO UKRAINE Trump continues to praise Vladimir Putin and supports his illegal and immoral invasion of the democratic country of Ukraine. Under his demands, the Freedom Caucus has attempted to block every aid package for Ukraine. He and his ...

Another Photo Op, and Another Display of Hypocrisy

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The date was June 1, 2020. Trump decided to march from the White House to St. John’s Church for the sole purpose of obtaining a photo op to distract his followers from his failing attempt to win reelection. To reach St. John’s Church, he had to walk through Lafayette Park. A crowd of protestors filled a large part of the park. Trump called in members of the National Guard to lead the procession, and armed them with rubber bullets and tear gas. His plan was successful and an embarrassment for all Americans. Once again, our military was forced to attack peaceful citizens exercising their First Amendment rights for political reasons. Never forget Kent State. The hypocrisy in this picture was the photo itself. Trump stood in front of St. John’s holding an upside-down Bible. He has seldom, if ever, seen the inside of any church. He is not a Christian. TRUMP MAKES A FOOL OF HIMSELF IN THE MOST FAMOUS RESTING PLACE OF OUR NATION’S FALLEN SOLDIERS On Monday, August 26, ...

Mitch McConnell, Better Known as “Moscow Mitch McConnell,” Will be Remembered as a Traitor to the American People

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The only responsibility of a President, a member of the House of Representatives, a Senator, or a Justice of the Supreme Court is to serve the electorate, the people who elected them, or the individuals who nominate them, hoping that they would serve them well by supporting their needs and wishes. There is no other reason for their existence in a Democratic Republic. Sadly, our elected officials, and the justices on the Supreme Court, continue to ignore their reason for living lives of luxury and privilege. The majority of our nation’s people are ignored by all 546 men and women who decide the future of 330+ million people. The executive branch primarily consists of two people: the President and Vice-President. The Legislative Branch is composed of 435 members of the House, and 100 Senators. There are nine members of the Supreme Court. We, the people, who compose the United States of America, rely on these 546 individuals to make decisions based on...

What Happened to Paul Ryan, the Man Charged with Saving the Once Grand Old Party?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you follow politics, and you should, you will most likely remember Paul Ryan for two reasons. When he agreed to be Mitt Romney’s running mate in 2012, he prevented Romney from embarrassment. He was certain to be crushed in the coming general election. Ryan, once considered as the hope of the GOP in the 21 st century, failed to impress voters, and President Obama easily won a second term. The second reason to remember the reluctant Speaker of the House is his opposition to Trump’s candidacy in 2016. He denounced the legitimacy of a Trump presidency, and became a member of the “anybody but Trump” club. However, after his inauguration, Ryan bowed to Trump’s every unconstitutional and destructive demand. WHERE IS RYAN NOW? Ryan resigned from congress, but did not leave politics. He is now a member of the Board of Directors for FOX “the real fake news” News. Ryan continues to attack Trump, not for what he has done to our nation’s future, his constant violations o...

Apparently, the Polls are Bad and Cruz is Pissing in his Pants

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Ted Cruz is one of the few people in the world for which I am unable to find one positive attribute. By his own actions, he has proven himself to be the biggest hypocrite in America, its worst Senator, and a traitor to the people of Texas and our nation. Never forget that in his first year in office, 2013, he obeyed his benefactors, the Koch Brothers, and was instrumental in forcing a government shutdown. His loyalty is not to the American people, but in support of the super-rich. Cruz is running for a third term in November. Six years ago he won by a slim margin, and according to the polls his actions over the last six years could place him in a position to lose his seat to a Democrat. I assume he is fully aware of this possibility and is running scared. Therefore, in classic Republican style, he is attempting to reinvent himself with blatant lies and misrepresentation of the facts. Lie: “I try very much to have my focus be on the policies and sub...

As a Leader of the American Fascist Party, Ted Cruz has Reason to be Afraid

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   There is a solid reason why Ted Cruz will always be known as the worst senator in American history. He sucks. First elected in 2012, after he took office in January his first effort was to shut down our government and put thousands of federal employees out of work: except he and his fellow Congressmen .    A Man with no Spine, who is Void of Dignity and Integrity   During the 2016 campaign, he refused to fight back when he was constantly insulted by the orange buffoon. Trump didn’t stop there. He literally called Cruz’ wife “ugly.” Cruz refused to defend Heidi. Then he baselessly accused Cruz’ father of assisting Lee Harvey Oswald with the assassination of JFK. No response.   Now for the part which reveals levels of cowardice and hypocrisy I had never seen. When Cruz suspended his campaign, he began kissing Trump’s humongous derriere and worked for his campaign. I couldn’t make this shit up. He is now one of the leaders of the rig...

The Only Applicable Word is “Blasphemy”


Coward Moscow Mitch McConnell Runs Away After Permanently Damaging his Country

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart For more than 40 years, Moscow Mitch McConnell had one goal. He wanted to make his party, the once Grand Old Party, the most powerful in Washington for the remainder of his life. Not once did he accomplish anything which resulted in positive benefits for all Americans. THE DO NOTHING PARTY It is Moscow Mitch who created the “party of no” in January of 2009, promising that his party would do nothing until “that man was out of office.” Until this very day, he kept that promise. It was his obstructionist party which prevented the passage of legislation in 2023. In a normal year, the number of bills passed by congress ranges between 200-600. Last year only 34 pieces of legislation reached President Biden’s desk. PREVENTING THE VOTING PUBLIC FROM KNOWING THE TRUTH It was Moscow Mitch who prevented the American people from knowing that Vladimir Putin was interfering in our 2016 election in support of Donald Trump. When every security agency confirmed this fact in Octo...