Hey America, If You Need a Laugh, Here it Is: QAnon is Back with More Hilarious Conspiracy Theories

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart T omorrow night , there will be a “debate” between Trump and President Biden. If there is an actual debate, it will be Trump’s first. Previously , in debates with Hillary Clinton and President Biden, he refused to answer questions and talked over answers offered by his opponents . Trump’s low level of intelligence prevents him from understanding or accepting the very concept of an exchange of ideas. However, the extremists on the right are preparing for Trump’s expected failure by making baseless assumptions about what will happen t omorrow evening. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that although Trump and Biden are just a few years apart in age, they would like you to believe that the President is feeble and i ncompetent. The truth is that just by listening to Trump, it is apparent that his mental acuity is in rapid decline. The right is suggesting that Mr. Biden will receive the questions prior to the debate, and a special communicat...