
Showing posts with the label Principles

The Missing Three Principles Which Prove the Republican Party no Longer Exists

I reached the age of 21 in 1967. I was excited about the general election in 1968. I began my first year in high school in 1960, the year John Fitzgerald Kennedy became our 35 th president. Like most young men and women my age, I was excited, and disappointed that I was unable to vote for him. The man I admired was murdered on November 22, 1963. I had just begun my senior year. Like nearly everyone else in America, we mourned his loss for three days. I continue to believe that our government will never allow the people to know the truth about that fateful day in Dallas, Texas. President Kennedy’s brother, Bobby, was a candidate for the presidency in 1968. This was important to me. I admired Bobby Kennedy, and although I could not vote for his brother, I would be voting for the first time and he would receive my vote. Once again tragedy struck. In June of 1968, Bobby Kennedy was murdered in Los Angeles. I was devastated, and my life would change in a small but important way. I hadn’t g...

The Rapid Demise of the Party of Lincoln

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It began in 1981. It was a slow but study process. First, Republican politicians had their free thought removed. They were required to obey Ronald Reagan without question. By the time George W. Bush was given the Electoral College by the Supreme Court in 2000, complete loyalty and the surrender of dignity, principles, and morality began the absolute demise of the Party of Lincoln. Between 2017 and 2021, the Republican Party imploded and right-wing politicians became Republicans in Name Only. We should all demand that right-wing politicians change their party’s name to something more realistic. “The Donald Trump Party” is too pretentious. However, “The American Fascist Party” would be accurate and apropos. Every politician sitting on the right side of the aisle has surrendered themselves and their future to the worst man in the world, Donald John Trump. Every RINO in Washington has violated their oath of office in which these words are containe...

Donald Trump’s Enormous Ego Forced His Biggest Mistake


The Right Wing Continues to Offer Us the Worst Possible Professional Politicians

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart     You know their names: Moscow Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Lauren Boebert , Marjorie Taylor Greene. In first place is the worst Senate Majority Leader in History, followed by the worst Senator in History, and finally four of the worst members of the House in history. I have one more position and one more name to add: Kevin McCarthy, the worst Speaker of the House in history, even worse than Newt Gingrich and Dennis Hastert.   Let’s look at his beginning. He is the first Speaker of the House not to be elected on the first ballot. The sad truth is that he was not popular with any one group, and it required 15 votes for him to receive the gavel. He remains a staunch supporter of the worst man in American history, a traitor who attempted to overthrow his own government while still residing in the White House.   What America needs most are great leaders. Sadly, such a commodity does not exist in Washington i n 2023. Tho...

Tuberville is the Poster Boy for Today’s Fake Republican Party

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   First, “the truth lives here,” and I must reiterate my many statements offering the fact that the Republican Party is dead and has been buried since January 2017. Not a single principle or ideal of the once Grand Old Party exists today within the clowns who claim to be “Republicans.” When every “Republican” offered unconditional support to an obese, old, white man who is a confirmed sexual predator, a white supremacist, and spent four years attempting to end democracy in America, and was elected with the assistance of Vladimir Putin and the mainstream media on January 20, 2017, it was clear that the Party of Lincoln was nothing more than a memory. The right-wing has become “the party of no” under the leadership of Moscow Mitch McConnell. They do nothing with the exception of attempting to overturn laws which benefit the majority of the American people, and attack the men and women on the left side of the aisle for doing the right thing. The party’s despica...

Moscow Mitch McConnell is the Symbol of How Old, White Men are Destroying America’s Future

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Moscow Mitch McConnell is the Senate minority leader, serving his 7 th term. He is 81 years of age. Recently, he took a fall and later was led off a stage during a news conference as he was unable to speak. He is too old and unfit to serve the people of Kentucky or our nation. Fact: the average age of our nation’s people is 38.9 year of age. The average age of Congress is 64 years of age. 54 senators are over 65. In the House, there are 141 men and women who qualify for social security. The largest demographic belongs to millennials. Pure white Americans are declining to reproduce, while Black Americans and Hispanics continue to have children. Our nation is becoming younger, and the Senate, older. Our government does not represent our people. One other statistic which applies: women compose 51 percent of our population, but approximately 27 percent of our federal government is composed of women. Republicans have a total of 40, only 7.5 percent of the tota...

Anger, Hatred, and Violence are the Policies of All Right-Wing Politicians

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Something happened recently that may mean nothing to you, but in reality, it defines the direction our government is taking, and therefore this country is moving down the wrong path. 100 percent of the men and women sitting on the right side of the Capitol Building support the end of democracy and the establishment of a fascist regime in Washington. While it is true that Trump, Pence, DeSantis, Greene, Boebert, Jordan, Gaetz and many others are open about their efforts, others are hiding in the shadows. Moscow Mitch McConnell, Chuck Grassley, Ron Johnson, and the rest are silently supporting the most extreme members of their party. Today’s fake Republicans control their supporters with tactics involving anger, hatred, and violence, while accomplishing nothing of value for the American people. Capital punishment is a major issue. Most Americans never think about this subject, but it is important. If human life is of any value, this archaic form of punishmen...

Issues our Politicians Simply Don’t Care About

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Over this weekend there have been multiple mass shootings in America. Tens-of-thousands of Israelis are marching in the streets as their government moves closer to fascism. The Russian military attacked a cathedral in Ukraine. Millions of Americans remain without healthcare, and the majority of our nation’s people continue to struggle financially. However, Republicans in Washington have bigger concerns. They continue to attack President Biden for his many accomplishments, they are attacking all liberals and even members of their own party. They remain desperate to find “dirt” on Hunter Biden, and they continue to admit they are the party of racism, misogyny, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and xenophobia, spreading anger, hatred, and violence in all 50 states. The safety of the American people, nor their quality of life are of little or no importance to these right-wing extremists. Nearly 100 percent of all those who claim to be “Republicans” have ...