
Showing posts with the label Republicans in Name Only

Was Anyone not Aware that the GOP is Racist and Homophobic?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   On Easter Sunday President Biden recognized a small and maligned group of Americans. Since 2009, March 31 st has been a day for recognizing the plight of Americans who identify themselves as transexuals. After mentioning this fact , t he President was immediately attacked by Trump and his Fascist Party, calling him everything imaginable including “ A Satan worshipper.”   I want to inform every member of the fake Republican Party that real Americans were already aware that they are racists, bigots, homophobes, and misogyni sts. We did not need additional proof.   Has Easter Sunday Become a Day to Celebrate Hatred and Prejudice?   It would appear that Easter Sunday is no longer a day for Christians to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but a day to express hatred and pr ejudice for anyone who is not white and heterosexual.   Diversity is America’s Greatness, and Includes Sexual Orien tation   Freedom is a word which is used freely, but what does i

Coward Moscow Mitch McConnell Runs Away After Permanently Damaging his Country

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart For more than 40 years, Moscow Mitch McConnell had one goal. He wanted to make his party, the once Grand Old Party, the most powerful in Washington for the remainder of his life. Not once did he accomplish anything which resulted in positive benefits for all Americans. THE DO NOTHING PARTY It is Moscow Mitch who created the “party of no” in January of 2009, promising that his party would do nothing until “that man was out of office.” Until this very day, he kept that promise. It was his obstructionist party which prevented the passage of legislation in 2023. In a normal year, the number of bills passed by congress ranges between 200-600. Last year only 34 pieces of legislation reached President Biden’s desk. PREVENTING THE VOTING PUBLIC FROM KNOWING THE TRUTH It was Moscow Mitch who prevented the American people from knowing that Vladimir Putin was interfering in our 2016 election in support of Donald Trump. When every security agency confirmed this fact in Octo

Nikki Haley Because She Proves That There is a Little Sanity on the Right, but Only a Little

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I’ll say it again and again and again until everyone recognizes the truth: no one on the right is qualified to lead America. Those who call themselves “Republicans” continue to be incompetent. Their economic policies fail badly, they are racists, homophobic, misogynists, and practice religious bigotry. These facts are clear and undeniable, proven by the words and actions of their Fuhrer, Donald John Trump. He is unquestionably the worst man in the world. Over the last nine years I desperately searched for one redeeming quality possessed by your former illegitimate president, but he has none. When everything coming out of his pie hole is a lie, he will never be believed or trusted by any person with average intelligence. Although she lost the South Carolina primary, her home state, by 21 points, Nikki Haley offered the press this comment: “I said earlier this week that no matter what happens in South Carolina, I would continue to run for president. I’m a

One Very Small Candy Bar, $3.69?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   When I was 10-12 years old, my favorite candy bar was the Milky Way. I would often buy one as I walked home from school. It cost me five cents. The last time I shopped at a store, a smaller version of that same candy bar cost $1.18. I can no longer be on my feet long enough to shop. However, my wife was shopping today and sent me a text with a picture of candy bars on a shelf. The cost was about $3.59 each, and they looked even smaller. Can you say “Greedflation?” And people wonder why I hate corporations.   Millions of Americans choose to deny the truth. In our grocery stores, consumers pay the same or a greater price for every item they purchase , although the content is less than it was one year ago. For example, a package of bacon which sold for $3.99 a pound, 16 oz ., is now just 12 oz ., costing an average of $5.99. The same is true for a half-gallon of ice cream, at about the same rate.   These examples prove that there are numerous cases of fraud pe

Massive Corruption within the Republican Party and the Entire Judicial System Will Prevent Trump from Paying for his Crimes

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I offer you my first and last conspiracy theory. Ordinarily I abhor any such efforts to influence America’s voters. However the evidence in this situation is overwhelming and cannot be disputed by anyone with average intelligence. During the 2016 campaign, Trump told his cult: “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,” Trump said at a campaign rally. Sadly this is a fact. Like their demagogue, his cult is composed of people with only three emotions focused on Americans of color, non-Christians, the LGBTQ community, and all women who demand equality: anger, hatred, and violence in his name. I was not surprised, but I was frightened and appalled when Trump was given a “free pass” for his confirmed Constitutional violations and never received a fair trial in Moscow Mitch McConnell’s Senate. This offered proof that Trump is above the law in the world of right-wing extremists. Trump has now been indicted five times fo

Why is America’s Campaign Season Far Longer than Any Other Nation in the World?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The answer to the question posed by the title of this article is simple if you know anything about your country in the 21 st century. The answer is “follow the money.” America is all about money and nothing else is of equal importance. Elections are the most costly and worthless expense you might imagine. Campaigns for seats in the House and Senate cost millions of dollars although the job’s basic salary is $174,000 per year. Why would anyone spend such an exorbitant amount of money to seek a basic income that would barely pay for necessary expenses? You know the answer, through acts of corruption and the lack of term limits, most men and women in government are millionaires. Years with a general election are the biggest waste of money in America next to an escalating military budget, and billions of dollars in gifts to foreign nations. The money spent on presidential campaigns, which last between 12-18 months on average, could be used to purchase homes, pay