Could “Uncommitted” Decide the 2024 Election?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart On Tuesday Michigan held its presidential primaries. As expected, Trump and Biden won their party’s support. However, a surprise “candidate” contributed to the fact that neither man won by the margin expected. In the Republican Party, Trump received 68.1 percent of the vote, Nikki Haley 26.5 In the Democratic primary, Joe Biden won 81 percent, and Marianne Williams 3 percent. However, “Uncommitted” captured 3 percent of the Republican vote, and “Uncommitted” won 13.2 percent of the Democratic vote. Of similar interest is after the South Carolina Republican Party primary, one out of five Republicans said they would not vote for Trump in the General Election. I have one fear, and it’s serious and could be very destructive for our country’s future. I fear that the voter turnout will be far less than in 2020. If this happens, Trump has a real chance of becoming our nation’s first anti-American, fascist lead...