
Showing posts with the label Term Limits

Moscow Mitch McConnell: Enemy of the People

I watched “60 Minutes” on Sunday evening, February 2, 2025. Everything Moscow Mitch McConnell said was a lie. He is desperate to save the illusion of his far too many years in the Senate. I consider old man Mitch to be America’s second greatest criminal. Number one on my list is his violation of the intent of the Constitution after Trump was impeached twice by the House of Representatives. On both occasions Moscow Mitch declared the criminal innocent and refused to conduct a fair trial in the Senate. In my estimation, this was a form of treason against the Constitution and the future of the American people. Number two was his failure to perform his duty to hold hearings for Merrick Garland in February of 2016. Moscow Mitch made up a rule in direct opposition of the Constitution, claiming that no Supreme Court justice should be confirmed during an election year. In October of 2020, he pissed on his own rule and rushed through the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett after the highly respec...

MMM, the Old Man Who Proved Term Limits are Mandatory

Trump is the “Antichrist,” the “Great Pretender.” However, he would not have risen from the depths of hell if one man had the courage to support the Constitution. I cannot predict how history will remember Moscow Mitch McConnell. If it is a truthful accounting, his 40 years in the Senate will be revealed as four decades of support for himself and his party. There is not a single record of accomplishing anything of a positive nature in his life. He has never served the majority of our nation’s people: he ruled over us since 1985. The Great Destructor, the Antichrist, continues to destroy every positive action by his predecessor, a true American and a lifetime patriot, President Joe Biden. However, none of this would be happening if Moscow Mitch had chosen to obey the Constitution. Trump was impeached for cause twice; in 2019 and 2021. The first impeachment came after Trump violated the Constitution as he attempted to bribe the President of Ukraine. The second was for “obstruction of jus...

What Can You Do When The Supreme Court Becomes The Enemy Of The People?

Five men and one woman. This gang of six are all biased in support of right-wing extremists who dominate today’s Republican Party in name only and serve Trump, ignoring the needs of the average American. John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett are corrupt Supreme Court justices who control your life. How do we fight against this gang of six and save our country for posterity? The sad truth is, we can do absolutely nothing. Of all the mistakes made by our Founding Fathers, one surpasses all others. The damage caused by not placing term limits on all three branches of government is the primary reason our government is now the most corrupt and incompetent in the world. The intentions of our Founding Fathers when they created the judicial branch of our government were admirable. However, they were obviously naïve. They underestimated the vices of greed and ambition possessed by all mankind. I believe that given the opportunity most ...

Nothing Proves my Claim that America’s Government is the Most Corrupt and Incompetent in the World than the Debt Ceiling

America is a strange country. It claims many “firsts,” and all of them are moronic and destructive. Corporate profits are of far greater importance than the quality of life for more than 340 million people. Most legislation which would improve the lives of the majority are never addressed and never come to the floor for a vote. I continue to claim that the federal government of the United States is the mot corrupt and incompetent in the world. I can prove my allegations easily and simply. I begin with the Electoral College. No nation in the world allows states to choose their president, or leader by another name, than America. In every other developed nation, the people choose the woman or man who will lead them. Because the Electoral College exists, we have “red and blue states,” which divide our nation and remove credibility from the election process. America is also unique in the fact that it is the only nation in the world not to have universal healthcare. Only in America is the hi...

To Our Founding Fathers, I Just Want to Say, “Nice Try”

The mistakes our Founding Fathers made at the end of the Constitutional Convention in 1789 are more numerous than you might believe. However, all of their errors can be credited to their naivete. They wrongfully assumed future leaders would possess the same integrity, dignity, principles, and morals which they shared. They failed to understand the weakness of most men and their desire for wealth and power at the expense of the people they were elected to represent and serve. Loud and angry debates were commonplace between the most and least populated regions and states. Hindsight is of no value, but it does reveal much of what has happened in Washington as our country entered the 21 st century, as a result of decisions made to appease smaller states. What is wrong with America’s political system? The number is high, but a few changes would have given the democratic republic more power to prevent corruption. First and foremost would have been term limits on all three branches. It is no...

The Two Most Important Issues You Will Never Hear About

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you participate in political polling, I do not, the first question you are likely to be asked is: “what issue is most important to you?” The economy is most frequently the number one answer. I believe there are two issues you will never read about on the internet or see on the evening news. If both were addressed, our government could be saved. Our government is completely dysfunctional. An insanely small number of pieces of legislation were passed in 2023, and the pattern is continuing in 2024. A democratic republic cannot succeed without honest and sincere deliberation and eventual compromise. The parties are at war with each other in the 21 st century, and very little has been accomplished. TERM LIMITS Our Founding Fathers were not psychics and did not foresee what would happen within our government over the next 200+ years. If they could have imagined what is happening in Washington today, the first thing they would have done is set term limits on all th...

How You and I can Make America Better for All of Us

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart America is not a pure democracy. In our system of a “Democratic Republic,” we, the people, elect women and men to represent us in Washington. Their primary responsibility is to serve the people and make efforts to address our needs and wishes. This was moderately successful from 1789 until 1981. The first steps to increase political power in America came from the right side of the aisle. In 1981, Ronald Reagan demanded absolute loyalty and party unity without dissension. This began a move farther to the right, and today those who call themselves “Republicans” in Washington are leaning towards a fascist regime and the end of democracy. Their party is first, special interests second, and the American people an afterthought at best. STOP THE STUPIDITY AND DO THE RIGHT THING What is needed to save our government in Washington: end mass corruption and restore functionality. This is simple, and we can control the situation. A large percentage of our elected officials ...

Fascist Justice Neil Gorsuch Threatens the President

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Proving that Supreme Court Justices are arrogant, above the law, and must ha ve their situ a tion altered, fascist Neil Gors uch had the cojones to threaten the President of the United States. Time for c hange.   You gotta love it when a politically biased and unfit for office Supreme Court justice makes a bigger fool of himself than we already knew he was.   Today’s SCOTUS is totally corrupted. Six of the justices are sworn to protect the interests of right-wing extremists. All of their decisions since 2022 reflect this fact. They are no l onger protecting the Constitution, they are writing and rewriting laws from legitimate Courts in the past.   THE PRESIDENT WILL TAKE A CTION TO REFORM THE COURT   Recent Court decisions forced President Biden to act and initiate plans to place term limits on the judicial branch. This should have been done in  1789. Life time appointments are unrealistic and fascist.   Gorsuch is not pl...

The Supreme Court Must Be Held Accountable

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The Supreme Court of the United States is America’s monarchy. With lifetime appointments and no way to remove a justice from office other than the impeachment process, the nine members sitting in control of our nation’s future are virtually “bulletproof.” President Biden has a solution which I continue to strongly support. OUR FOUNDING FATHERS WERE NOT INFALLIBLE Most democracies have either term limits or mandatory retirement age requirements. Our Founding Father’s intent was to prevent a need for political involvement by removing the need to win elections. Northeastern law professor Michael Meltsner, who specializes in the Supreme Court, said the intent was to insulate justices from partisan politics. “That was put into the Constitution to preserve the total independence of the judiciary,” said Meltsner, the George J. and Kathleen Waters Matthews Distinguished University Professor of Law. “Once a justice is confirmed and takes a seat on the court, they’re not ...