Call Yourself a “Liberal” or a “Progressive,” the Truth is We Need a Hero

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I am registered as a Democrat, but only because if I am not, I cannot vote in the primaries. In reality, I have been a lifelong Independent, and believe that everyone should reject all political parties. Every voter should cast their ballots for the best candidate regardless of the party funding their campaigns. Voting for a party is an act of pure ignorance. What I am proud of is being a liberal, or if you choose, a progressive. If you are not a liberal, why not? Liberals care about others. We are concerned about the future of our nation’s people; all of them. We are also involved in the fight against climate change, a woman’s right to make decisions about her personal physical and mental health, and the right to have access to healthcare without excessive and life-altering financial burden. We care about the growing gap in income inequality, and will protect the Constitution: all of it, not just the Second Amendment. Unlike those who call themselves “conservat...