
Showing posts with the label Insurrection

A Country Without Laws

On January 20, 2025, the United States of America took its last breath. A country cannot exist without laws: laws which are equally applied to all of its citizens without exception. On January 20 of this year America’s most destructive convicted felon was sworn in as your president. In no other nation in the entire world would a man who committed treason on television for more than three hours be allowed to remain free. To allow him to run for the presidency was one of the greatest crimes in history and will go unpunished. The greatest dangers to America are entities which control our legal processes, and possess the responsibility to protect the Law of the Land, the Constitution. Both have been corrupted and are now members of the treasonous American Nazi Party which supports Trump and his anti-American supporters. The two most important positions in the Department of Justice are the Attorney General of the United States and the Director of the FBI. A little background about the two i...

Why are Democrats and Republicans Hiding the Truth About the Attempted January 6 Coup?

      If you watched the violent insurrection on January 6, 2021, you cannot deny what you saw. Trump stood on a stage in front of the White House and ordered his Neo-Nazi army to march to the Capitol and halt the certification of the Electoral College vote. When they arrived at the Capitol Building, they broke down doors, smashed windows, and physically attacked the Capitol Police, killing at least one and injuring about 150. They searched the building, stopping to defecate in some of the offices, looking for Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence. Trump had ordered his mob to kill them both. The only thing I did not know on that day was what happened before the insurrection. The mainstream media will not tell the truth, but it is available on several legitimate and respected websites. The planning and organization took place at Trump’s Willard Hotel in D.C. In attendance were Trump, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, and leaders of Neo-Nazi gr...

Every Cowardly and Fake News Agency is Downplaying the Attempt to Overthrow our Government on Jan 6, 2021

Three hours. That’s how long mywife and I watched what is undoubtedly the darkest day in American history ; the day a sitting, outgoing president attempted to overthrow his own government . We watched Trump tell hisNeo-Nazi army to march to the Capitol and halt one our nation’s most sacred and democratic processes: the certification of the Electoral College vote from the 2020 election.   They followed his order s and broke into the building where our nation’s laws are passed or rejected by our legislative branch. They smashed doors, and shattered windows to gain entrance to the hallowed halls of the Capitol Building.    The y proceeded to steal what became memorabilia, smash office equipment, defecate on furniture in offices, a nd assaulted the Capitol police, while searching for Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi. They had ord e rs to kill them both.   Yesterday, the certification of Trump’s questionable  win in the Electoral College on November 5, 2024, too...

Four Years Ago Today, I Watched the Darkest Day in American History

My wife and I were watching television when the broadcast was interrupted. The date was January 6, 2021. It was just about noon. On the screen was an old, obese, white man who was soon to be evicted from the White House. He was standing on a newly erected stage just outside the White House. He began his lies with the biggest lie he ever told. He claimed that massive fraud prevented him from winning his reelection in 2020. The truth was clear and irrefutable. After more than 60 state’s courts denied his appeals, unable to find a shred of evidence, and after the Supreme Court, which had been stacked by Trump and fellow conspirator, Moscow Mitch McConnell, rejected his final appeal, he refused to accept his massive defeat. Congress was in session, preparing to certify the Electoral College vote and confirming Joe Biden’s presidency. It was confirmed later by a member of Trump’s administration, that he knew he had lost just days after the election. Afflicted with malignant narcissism, his ...

You Just Don’t Get It: Trump Doesn’t Care About You or What You Think

    Most American voters are uninformed, and therefore ignorant. The results of the November 5 th election, if they are not proven fraudulent, confirm my allegation. No one in the world is less qualified to be our nation’s president than Donald John Drumpf/Trump. Most voters are unhappy with Trump’s choices for his White House Staff and his plan to pardon the traitors who attempted a violent overthrow of our government on January 6, 2021. (I find it hilarious that so many politicians opposed President Biden’s pardon of his son, Hunter). The truth is, most Americans know nothing about Trump. He doesn’t care about you, yours, or what you think. He cares about himself and no one else. [Opposition is strongest from Democrats (95%), Black voters (84%), Hispanic voters (58%), urban voters (70%), white college-educated voters (59%), and voters ages 18 to 34 (58%).] Let’s be honest here. Only individuals who do not believe that the laws should apply to everyone, equally, woul...

“White House Down,” a Nearly Perfect Title for January 6th

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I was watching the movie, “White House Down” for the third or fourth time today. It was first released in 2013.   I couldn’t help but notice the comparison between the characters who violently invaded the White House in the film, and the traitors who attempted to end democracy on January 6, 2021, the darkest day in American history, when they stormed the Capitol Building. If January 6 had happened prior to the release of the movie, it would have been easy to see the relationship between the characters portrayed by the actors and the real villains who violently invaded the building which houses our legislative branch in 2021. They shared beliefs in racism, bigotry, and displayed a desire to enact massive violence against our perceived enemies, all Muslims. THE MOVIE HAD A REALISTIC END: THE LEADER OF THE FAILED COUP ON JANUARY 6 IS SEEKING A RETURN TO THE WHITE HOUSE The primary difference between the movie and reality came at the end of the st...

Fact: Law Enforcement and Judges Cannot be Trusted: What About our Military?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Let's look at what happened in America since 2017, and the truth about the darkest day in Ame rican history, January 6, 2021.   First, let me tell you about how time is the greatest teacher of all . As I moved from childhood and became a young adult, I realized that I had been a child of white privilege . Therefore, I had always trusted law enforcement, the justice system , and our military leaders , virtually anyone older than me, or in a position of power.   Education is not entirely the result of schools and books. I know that experien ce is often of greater value than formal education.     I was sixteen in 1962 before I learned about the “two Americas.” This is not a phrase popular in 2024, but it remains a reality, l ike it or not. I left Parochial School in my junior year of high school . I enrolled in a public high school . I was now a student in an institution which had a diverse student body and offered additional free...