
Showing posts with the label Insurrection

When One Major Party is Loyal to a Russian Agent, and not to Their Country

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I could easily blame the man c onfirmed as “the worst president in America’s history” by presidential historians for the irreparable damage to our country between 2017 and 2021. However, that would be ingenuous. The fact is without the support of the former Republican Party, Trump would be nothing but a nightmare and a memory which will n ever go away.   In 2016, prior to the November 8 election, every Republican leader denounced the idea of a Trump presidency. Moscow Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Lin dsey Graham, virtually every significant member of the GOP was a member of “the anybody but Trump club.” They were honest then, claiming that he was woefully unqualified t o become our nation’s 45 th president. They denounced his lack of morals , his disrespect for the traditions of our nation, and his refusal to act “presidential.” And let’s not pretend that they were unaware of his ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.     However, on January 20, 20

Above All, Never Forget the Darkest Day in American History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart My wife and I were watching something on television on January 6, 2021 when the broadcast was interrupted. We watched as your illegitimate president stood on a hastily constructed platform and addressed his “people.” An apparently all white crowd holding Trump banners, and wearing his ridiculous red hats cheered as he began to speak. He told the ignorant crowd that the 2020 election was buried in fraud, and that he had won the election. Therefore, he commanded them to march to the Capitol Building and halt the certification of the Electoral College vote in any way possible. Then he told them that he would be with them, but quickly marched back into the safety of the White House. For the next three hours we watched in horror as an angry and murderous crowd smashed windows and doors, struggling with the Capitol Police to enter the chambers where our legislative branch was in session. We heard chants of “let’s get Pence,” and the same for Speaker Nancy Pelosi. We w

“Facts” Can be Twisted, but Common Sense Cannot

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It’s happened to everyone, more than once. A situation, a conversation, maybe a pitch by a salesman. All we knew was “something didn’t seem right.” I learned that sometimes common sense must take precedence over everything else, or suffer the consequences. One of the reasons why anyone ignores facts, probably responding, “I don’t believe that,” is because common sense has become uncommon in 2024. GUILTY, GUILTY, AND GUILTY Communication in the 21st century is instant and often infused with facts, undeniable facts. However, millions of Americans have lost their ability to accept reality. In a court of law, facts can be twisted. The same is true with “news” broadcasts and podcasts. To gain an individual’s confidence, tell them what they want to hear. Just ask any professional politician. As a writer, my philosophy has always remained the same. When I am presented with a story, I neither believe nor disbelieve its veracity. I look at the facts, but even then, I loo

Alito and Thomas MUST Recuse Themselves from any Involvement in Cases Involving January 6, 2021

Op­-ed by TheWiseOldFart We have known for a long time that Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, Ginny, are supporters of the leader of fascism in America, Donald Trump. Recently Justice Samuel Alito confirmed his allegiance to the orange buffoon. Therefore, for the sake of justice, they cannot be involved in any case brought before the Court involving the insurrection on January 6, 2021. This is clearly a situation of conflict of interests. When two of America’s greatest enemies stacked the Court with three individuals who are biased towards the views of right-wing extremists, the SCOTUS lost all of its credibility and respect. It will only become worse if it literally flips America the middle finger and blatantly displays its fealty to America’s worst, illegitimate president. HOW CAN A GOVERNMENT SURVIVE THROUGH CORRUPTION AND LIES TO ITS PEOPLE I understand that because I will soon be 78 years of age, you expect me to support anyone in authority without reservation. You are very, v

Trump Can be Addressed by Many Terms, but “Mr. President” is not One of Them

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Donald Trump was never my president. He never deserved the title. An American president has multiple duties and responsibilities, none of which were performed by the orange buffoon. Trump refused to represent all Americans. As the leader of the white supremacy movement in America, he failed to recognize Black Americans as equals. He ignored low-income and poor Americans, choosing to serve the super-rich and members of Neo-Nazi organizations. He divided our nation’s people intentionally, and when our country needed a leader, he ignored the advancing coronavirus, and claimed “it will just go away.” Trump was the first man to lose his bid for reelection and refuse to   submit to a peaceful transfer of power. Instead, he lied about the results of the election and attempted to overturn the 2020 loss by planning, organizing, and executing an attempted coup on January 6, 2021. The only “rigged” election in history was in 2016. Our government attempted to cove

If the Republican Party Existed Today, Liz Cheney Would be Their Nominee for the Presidency in 2024

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I do not agree with the former Representative from Wyoming, Liz Cheney, most of the time, and I have no respect for her father. However, she is a true Republican, which is extremely rare in Washington today, and I respect her for her beliefs. She not only denounces Trump for his fascist policies, she was one of only two Republicans on the committee which investigated the attempted coup on January 6, 2021. He party, the Party of Lincoln, and her country are of more value than the needs of Donald Trump to be relevant and of importance to other white supremacists. ON JANUARY 20, 2017, 90 PERCENT OF ALL MEN AND WOMEN WHO CALLED THEMSELVES REPUBLICANS SURRENDERED TO AMERICA’S BIGGEST TRAITOR Donald Trump never was a “Republican.” He was a Democrat until he met with Vladimir Putin in 2013 in Moscow. It was then that Trump and his handler finalized plans to rig the 2016 election and take control of America’s government. America needs the former Grand Old Party. Its val

Will a Corrupted Supreme Court Ignore the Constitution Again?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart January 6, 2021, was by far the darkest day in American History. A sitting president executed an attempted coup which he previously organized, and planned with the assistance of leaders of America’s Neo-Nazi traitors. Hundred of men and women have been prosecuted and convicted for crimes including sedition, but none of them were charged with treason. Why, I will never know. Today it appears that the most corrupted Supreme Court in history is considering the invalidation of a large number of those convictions, which will eventually result in the acquittal of America’s greatest traitor who should be in prison today awaiting trial and possibly execution. Donald Trump is the worst thing to happen to our nation in 247 years. IS THE END OF AMERICA ABOUT TO HAPPEN? Six justices, calling themselves “conservatives,” but in reality are right wing extremists, so far to the right they embrace fascism, appear to be in doubt about a law passed after the Enron scandal. [One pa

Putin Remains America’s Greatest Enemy, and a Greater Danger and Villain to the World than Hitler

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I learned in school about the atrocities committed by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi horde. I was about 12 when I read about the egomaniac who sought the elimination of an entire population and world domination. As a Catholic, we were taught about Judaism and the people who lived their lives according to the laws contained in the Torah. It was unimaginable that one man’s hatred would be responsible for the torture and deaths of millions of innocent men, women, and children. Could this happen again today in America? PUTIN IS WORSE THAN HITLER In 2024, the world is facing an even greater threat to the continued existence of humankty. His name is Vladimir Putin. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is a crime against every person in the world. He is slaughtering innocents for no reason other than to satisfy his own inflated ego. This little man obviously has “Bonapart’s Syndrome.” He is killing men, women, and children who have close ties with other men, women, and children in R