
Showing posts with the label Bias

Will a Corrupted Supreme Court Ignore the Constitution Again?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart January 6, 2021, was by far the darkest day in American History. A sitting president executed an attempted coup which he previously organized, and planned with the assistance of leaders of America’s Neo-Nazi traitors. Hundred of men and women have been prosecuted and convicted for crimes including sedition, but none of them were charged with treason. Why, I will never know. Today it appears that the most corrupted Supreme Court in history is considering the invalidation of a large number of those convictions, which will eventually result in the acquittal of America’s greatest traitor who should be in prison today awaiting trial and possibly execution. Donald Trump is the worst thing to happen to our nation in 247 years. IS THE END OF AMERICA ABOUT TO HAPPEN? Six justices, calling themselves “conservatives,” but in reality are right wing extremists, so far to the right they embrace fascism, appear to be in doubt about a law passed after the Enron scandal. [One pa

A new “Gettysburg Address” Could be Trump’s Waterloo

Op-ed by TheWiseOld Fart   Need more proof that Trump is mentally unbalanced? Don’t worry, he will make sure you receive it.   For example, your illegitimate president was in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania this weekend: his last public appearance prior to his hush money criminal trial, which b egan today. Trump has claimed many times that he is a better President than Abraham Linco ln, therefore it was no surprise that he made his own “Gettysburg Address.” The following is a small part of his ridiculous, ignorant, and incohere nt ramblings.   [ TRUMP: Gettysburg, wow. I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look, and to watch, and, uh, the statement of Robert Lee— who's no longer in favor, did you ever notice that? No longer in favor —”Never fight uphill, me boys. Never fight uphil l.”   [TRUMP: What an unbelievable, I mean it was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious, and horrible —and so beautiful in so many ways.]   He Obviously ha s no Understanding About the Significance

I Have Not Forgotten Women’s History Month

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   One of the biggest changes in our nation’s history between the year of my birth, 1946, and today concerns the women of our country. Progress was made until 2022 when a corrupted Supreme Court reversed a decision made by a legitimate Court 49 years in the past removing a woman’s right to make decisions related to her personal physical and mental health. June 24, 2022 was one of the darkest days in America’s history.   Many changes have been made in my 77+ years, but not nearly enough .   Women are no Longer Asking for Equality, They’re Taking It   Equality in America remains virtually unchanged in 2024. Women, minorities, members of the LGBTQ Community, and both legal and illegal immigrants continue to be treated differently than white men. However, women continue to make changes in our society.   Over the last 20 years women have taken a greater interest in our government and its political system. More women are registered to vote than men. A growing numb