
Showing posts with the label Traitor

Trump Continues to Bully Anyone Who Doesn’t Agree with His Moronic Plans

On Friday, Trump and Vance met with Ukraine President Zelenskyy in the Oval Office. When the fat old bully didn’t get his way, he and Vance began screaming at the leader of the country invaded by Trump’s puppeteer three years ago. Not what I think of as “presidential.” Then I realized Trump is not an American president. In just 40 days Trump has managed to alienate our European allies, create enemies on our northern and southern borders, and add chaos to the dysfunction which already existed in Washington. Trump is a traitor, a convicted felon, and a sexual predator, and now he has become the “destroyer.” Everything at the core of what made America a respected and envied nation is under attack by co-presidents Trump and Musk. By their actions and words they have revealed their Nazi beliefs and their fealty to Vladimir Putin. The American people are facing a war with our own government. The only question I have concerns the real power in our nation. Will our military support the people ...

Not an American President

November 5, 2024. This day in American history is likely to become the darkest day in its nearly 249 years of existence. I never thought I would experience a more horrific event in our country than the attempted coup on January 6, 2021. Three hours of mayhem, violence, efforts to destroy our nation’s democratic government. An act of treason orchestrated by one self-centered egotistical maniac in an attempt to remain in power. He admitted to his staff that he lost the 2020 election, but used a lie to justify organizing a group of Nazis to invade the Capitol Building. With Trump again in a position to rule over 340 million people, I fear that my prediction is coming to fruition. Trump is violating laws, customs, tradition, and the Constitution every day he pretends to be an American president. It is clear that he will never be a true president; he is not a leader: the schoolyard bully is a dictator. He most definitely lacks the qualities to be an American. His loyalty is not to the peopl...

Destruction Not Accomplishments

Trump has no clear understanding of the English language, and Fox News is just as illiterate. Trump and Fox are calling what he is doing “accomplishments.” The truth is, Trump is destroying the good things, the positive accomplishments made by his Democratic predecessors, claiming them as his personal success. Look it up, Donny Boy, these are antonyms, not synonyms. Trump is a destroyer, a failure, and an anti-American. The worst man in the world is pissing off everyone. He began by attacking immigrants and the working class, but is now attempting to completely obliterate billion-dollar industries, including solar energy and electric vehicles. Trump the Destroyer will not stop until our nation is in shambles. Sadly, no one will stop him, not our government, the mainstream media, or the military. He has become what he dreamed of when he was reading Hitler’s speeches, a dictator. America has a bona fide tyrant. He is the enemy and not a president. He is failing his primary responsibility...

Moscow Mitch McConnell: Enemy of the People

I watched “60 Minutes” on Sunday evening, February 2, 2025. Everything Moscow Mitch McConnell said was a lie. He is desperate to save the illusion of his far too many years in the Senate. I consider old man Mitch to be America’s second greatest criminal. Number one on my list is his violation of the intent of the Constitution after Trump was impeached twice by the House of Representatives. On both occasions Moscow Mitch declared the criminal innocent and refused to conduct a fair trial in the Senate. In my estimation, this was a form of treason against the Constitution and the future of the American people. Number two was his failure to perform his duty to hold hearings for Merrick Garland in February of 2016. Moscow Mitch made up a rule in direct opposition of the Constitution, claiming that no Supreme Court justice should be confirmed during an election year. In October of 2020, he pissed on his own rule and rushed through the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett after the highly respec...

MMM, the Old Man Who Proved Term Limits are Mandatory

Trump is the “Antichrist,” the “Great Pretender.” However, he would not have risen from the depths of hell if one man had the courage to support the Constitution. I cannot predict how history will remember Moscow Mitch McConnell. If it is a truthful accounting, his 40 years in the Senate will be revealed as four decades of support for himself and his party. There is not a single record of accomplishing anything of a positive nature in his life. He has never served the majority of our nation’s people: he ruled over us since 1985. The Great Destructor, the Antichrist, continues to destroy every positive action by his predecessor, a true American and a lifetime patriot, President Joe Biden. However, none of this would be happening if Moscow Mitch had chosen to obey the Constitution. Trump was impeached for cause twice; in 2019 and 2021. The first impeachment came after Trump violated the Constitution as he attempted to bribe the President of Ukraine. The second was for “obstruction of jus...

“Sleepy Donnie”

His criminal hush money trial: his inauguration: in the National Cathedral: these are just a few of the places where Trump was caught by the television cameras sleeping. It seems that if he is not complaining about being mistreated, or praising himself, he is asleep sitting up. You might remember his nickname for President Biden, “Sleepy Joe.” Trump has rightfully inherited that nickname. He is a very old man; the oldest president elected in history. In just 15 months, he will be 80, if he survives that long. He is obviously in steep decline mentally and physically, and becoming more so every month. The truth is, a good nickname for Mr. Biden would have been “Working Joe.” He was one of the hardest working presidents in my lifetime, and I can bear witness 14 of them. This is why he has a long list of accomplishments, and the same reason why Trump had none. I continue to believe that the late-night comics, the mainstream media, and of course fake Republicans all combined to President Bi...

America is Burning and the World is Laughing

The unthinkable happened. The United States of America elected a Nazi to run and ruin their nation.   This is what the world is saying, and why they are laughing at the stupidest people in the free world. We could have remained neutral in WWI I and simply allow Hitler to conquer the world, sharing it with the Emperor of Japan. That would have saved more than 400,000 lives and hundreds of billions of dollars each year between 1941-1945 .   However, the American government is the worst and most incompetent in the world.   T he citizens of most nations are far more informed than our country’s people. They are undoubted ly convinced that for the second time in our n ation’s history, Vladimir Putin decided the outcome of America’s future.   If a t any time in my 78 years someone had told me that any free and developed nation had elected a leader that was nearing 80 years of age, w as a convicted felon, a confirmed sexual predator whose closest “friend” for 10 ye...

Why Would Any Real American Watch Trump’s Illegal and Immoral Inauguration?

He hates my country. His loyalty is to Vladimir Putin, not to the American people. He not only violated the Constitution every day he was in office between 2017 and 2021, he continues attempts to shred our nation’s most sacred document with the exception of the Second Amendment, (He is indebted to the NRA). By his own words and actions, Trump is not an American. He cannot be given the label of “the American President.” He will lie with every word when he takes the oath of office on Monday. On Monday, I will celebrate a great man who deserves my respect, Dr. Martin Luther King, and look forward the CFB National Championship game tomorrow evening. As another dark moment in America’s history begins at 9 a.m. my time, I will be having breakfast and watching some television consisting of anything other than another embarrassing moment in my country’s history. Trump never was and never will be my president. I have followed politics in America to some degree since I was 10 years old in 1956. ...

Why Trump’s Unconstitutional Inauguration Will be Held Inside the Capitol Rotunda

Monday at noon there will be a tragic event on the Hill. I will be in mourning for my country. An old, obese, mentally challenged man will take the oath of office as your illegitimate president. It will be another dark day in the saga of Donald John Trump. For the first, and God willing, the last time in our nation’s dark and sordid history a convicted felon, a confirmed sexual predator, and our nation’s biggest traitor will become your country’s 47 th and most controversial president. However, his inauguration will be held inside the Capitol Rotunda. The last time a presidential inauguration was held indoors was 40 years ago when another old man, Ronald Reagan, was inaugurated for his second term. The forecast for January 20, 1985 was a high of seven degrees at noon. Trump’s physical and mental health has been questioned by multiple politicos, including yours truly, and although the forecast for noon on Monday expects temperatures only in the 20’s, Trump is incapable of surviving the...

She is Not a Politician, She is a Great American and Will Do the Right Thing

You might know the name. She surpassed Oprah Winfrey as the most respected woman in America. She is brilliant, a great patriot, and always says and does the right thing. Several groups encouraged Michelle Obama to run for the presidency in 2020. I have no doubt she could have won a huge victory. However, after living in the White House for eight years and privy to how ugly the world of politics can be, she declined. After Trump’s illegitimate victory in the Electoral College in 2016, she was courteous and kind to Melania Trump, performing her duties as the outgoing First Lady. Now that Trump will once again become our nation’s most controversial and unpopular president, she is no longer required to play nice. True to her beliefs and principles, she announced her refusal to attend Trump’s illegal inauguration on January 20. America’s biggest traitor should not be allowed a return to the White House. America is just another young country which will not survive its first 500 years. Our na...

I Remember When America Was a Strong and Moral Country

The date was September 9, 1956. I was a ten-year-old boy and was somewhat excited. On that Sunday evening, the young man I had heard so often on the radio was scheduled to appear on the Ed Sullivan Show for the first time. There was one problem. The censors convinced the network executives that some viewers would consider the way Elvis Presley moved “immoral” and “indecent.”  An agreement between all parties resulted in Mr. Presley being televised from the waist up. Like everyone else, I became a fan for life. How things have changed. In twelve days an old, obese, convicted felon who cheated on all three of his wives, is accused of sexual assault by more then 25 women, and paid hush money to an adult film star to hide his immoral action from voters, will become our nation’s 47 th president: but not mine. Our country has lost its morality and is no longer a respectable  nation. Think about this honestly: does any man or woman with just average intelligence believe that a sexua...

Four Years Ago Today, I Watched the Darkest Day in American History

My wife and I were watching television when the broadcast was interrupted. The date was January 6, 2021. It was just about noon. On the screen was an old, obese, white man who was soon to be evicted from the White House. He was standing on a newly erected stage just outside the White House. He began his lies with the biggest lie he ever told. He claimed that massive fraud prevented him from winning his reelection in 2020. The truth was clear and irrefutable. After more than 60 state’s courts denied his appeals, unable to find a shred of evidence, and after the Supreme Court, which had been stacked by Trump and fellow conspirator, Moscow Mitch McConnell, rejected his final appeal, he refused to accept his massive defeat. Congress was in session, preparing to certify the Electoral College vote and confirming Joe Biden’s presidency. It was confirmed later by a member of Trump’s administration, that he knew he had lost just days after the election. Afflicted with malignant narcissism, his ...

Tragedy Everywhere, People Are Dying, Domestic Terrorism Threatens Everyone, and Trump Only Cares About Trump

Trump will never change. He will remain a liar, a hypocrite, and a self-serving fascist until he dies: probably not soon enough. This new year has already experienced multiple tragedies, including a senseless attack, an act of pure domestic terrorism, which killed 15 and injured more than 30 men and women in New Orleans. A second act of domestic terrorism occurred in Las Vegas, in front of Trump’s hotel when a Green Beret detonated explosives inside of a Tesla truck, killing himself and injuring seven others. Trump being Trump claimed that the tragedy in New Orleans was committed by an illegal immigrant. He obviously did not or could not read the story. He based all of his allegations on the name of the perpetrator: Shamsud-Din Jabbar. The truth is, the terrorist was born in America and was an army veteran. Even Fox News was forced to correct Trump’s lie. “When I said that the criminals coming in are far worse than the criminals we have in our country, that statement was constantly ref...

John Roberts Does not Deserve America’s Respect or Trust: He Does Deserve our Middle Fingers

It is an irrefutable fact that the current Supreme Court is corrupt. Six of the justices, including Chief Justice John Roberts, are biased towards right-wing extremism, and five are loyal to Trump. Not one of the six right-wing supporting justices is performing the jobs defined by the Constitution when they were sworn into office. When they committed the ultimate betrayal of their only purpose on one of the darkest days in American history, June 24, 2022, by repealing a 49-year-old decision by a legitimate Supreme Court, Roe v Wade, they prove that they are the most corrupt and unprincipled Court in history. Roberts is obviously ashamed of himself and his five corrupt associates. He also appears to be frightened, aware that our nation has become the most violent in the nation thanks to Trump and his fake Republican Party. No longer is violent reaction exclusive to the right-wing extremists who are loyal to Trump and his fascist policies. “There is of course no place for violence di...

Trump is a Bully; All Bullies Are Cowards

A draft dodger, a bully, a womanizer, a con artist: these are all terms which can accurately be used to describe Donald John Trump. Words which cannot be attached to Trump are caring, compassionate, kind, intelligent, generous, or leader. Like all egomaniacs, Trump enjoys having power over others, but is incapable of accepting even minor criticism from anyone. A little-known fact about Trump’s first illegitimate presidency has been ignored and probably hidden from the American people by the mainstream media, adds to the analysis of the real Donald Trump. After the federal execution of Billie Allen in 2003, not a single death row inmate had been executed by the federal government until 2019-2020. Trump approved of and even hurried the deaths of 13 federal prisoners. After his controversial reelection last November 5 th , he pledged to increase the number of executions after his inauguration. In an obvious response to Trump’s blood lust, President Biden recently commuted the death senten...

All News is Fake News After the Disastrous Election

Today completes one week since one of the darkest days in our nation’s history. I find it strange that in just nine years my list of the darkest days in American history has drastically changed. Prior to Trump’s intrusion into our nation’s politics, my personal list of the most horrific days in our nation’s 248 years began with three unforgettable and unforgettable events: 9/11, December 7, 1941, and the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. In the 21 st century, I believe there are other tragic events which threatened our nation’s future from within. Events within our own country, committed by our own leaders, with the assistance of leaders from other nations, could eventually erase the dreams of our Founding Fathers. On January 6, 2021, a sitting president organized, planned, and executed a failed, violent coup after losing badly in his bid for reelection. The truth is, this terrible day could have been stopped before it began if our government and our military had ...

Nicknames Which Apply to Trump

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The Truth Lives Here Trump has many deserved nicknames. Old ones include the “orange buffoon.” “Trumpenstein,” and “Putin’s Puppet.” However, he has earned more over the last four years, including “world’s biggest whiner,” the “Coronavirus Killer,” “world’s biggest liar,” “leader of America’s white supremacist movement,” “traitor,” “fascist,” “convicted criminal,” and “sexual predator.” Guess what, and you won’t believe it: this obese old man is running for president on Tuesday. Op-ed by James Turnage

I Knew it, You Knew it, and Now the Government Reveals What it has Been Hiding From Us

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart First a fact which confirms how corrupt the government of the United States has become. For decades those who are intended to serve all Americans in Washington hid corruption including grievous felonies from the voting public. Most recently our failed politicians hid the fact that Russia was interfering in the 2016 election in support of Donald Trump although they knew the truth prior to election day. The results of Robert Meuller’s investigation into collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign team required years to complete. When it was “released” to the public, Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr retracted it so heavily it was unreadable. His intention was to hide the truth. Today, October 2, 2024, the American people were allowed to know condemning facts about Trump’s failed coup attempt on January 6, 2021. If you watched the darkest day in America’s history on television as I and my wife chose to do, you have no illusions about what we saw with our...