
Showing posts with the label Speaker

Mike Johnson Either Failed His IQ Test, or He is One of the Biggest liars in a Party of Liars

Op-ed ed by TheWiseOldFart Pretend Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, appeared on FOX “News” Monday. It was immediately clear that his goal was to downplay one of the darkest days in American history, July 1, 2024, when the Supreme Court violated the intent of the Constitution they swore to preserve and protect. Read the smoke he is trying to blow up your ass. He told his first lie, claiming we never had a president “prone to this kind of crazy criminal activity.” “There’s all sorts of hyperbole tonight, and this fantastical—these hypotheticals they’ve made up,” Johnson said. “Future presidents are going to turn into assassins, and all the rest. It’s madness.” I’m not concerned about President Biden or future presidents, I’m worried about your party’s leader, the one who attempted to overthrow our government. APPARENTLY, JOHNSON FAILED TO READ “GOVERNING FOR DUMMIES” Obviously, he doesn’t understand that the only vote which matters in a presidential election is the Electoral College. ...

Marjorie Taylor Greene Continues to be Irrelevant, and is now Forced to Shut the F**k Up

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Democrats, tired of the circus the House has become thanks to the Freedom Caucus, are promising that Speaker Mike Johnson will not be removed from his position. FC member, Matt Gaetz, led the effort to expel Kevin McCarthy, and the loudmouth from Georgia, also a member of the FC, Marjorie Taylor Greene, vowed to remove Johnson after he joined with Democrats to pass a bill giving additional aid to Ukraine. MTG has been censored by her party, some of whom admit they are tired of her bullshit. Democratic leaders issued the following statement. “At this moment, upon completion of our national security work, the time has come to turn the page on this chapter of Pro-Putin Republican obstruction. We will vote to table Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Motion to Vacate the Chair. If she invokes the motion, it will not succeed,” the leaders wrote in a statement. A PARTY DIVIDED DID NOT STAND The Republican Party is nothing more than a memory in 2024. Republ...

House “Republicans” Prove that They are a Bad Joke, and Admit that the Once Grand Old Party is No More

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart This sad but laughable saga began in January of 2023. Republicans had won a slim margin in the House of Representatives and would therefore be choosing a Speaker. Without a Speaker, it is illegal for the House to conduct any of our nation’s business. It was no secret during the years when Nancy Pelosi held the gavel that California Representative, Kevin McCarthy, envied her position as the Speaker. He made it clear that he would do anything to become Speaker of the House of Representatives. McCarthy Remains Loyal to Trump, not to his Country It is also no secret that McCarthy was a Trump lacky. He was one of the Republicans who maintained phone contact with America’s biggest traitor throughout the three-hour insurrection on January 6, 2021. However, for the fascist members of the Freedom Caucus, he was considered a moderate: his beliefs and policies were not far enough to the right. Until 2023, Only a Single Vote was Needed to Choose the Speaker When the vote wa...

Serious Questions Which Demand Honest Answers

Op-ed byTheWiseOldFart   How did our country, now 247 years old, arrive on the precipice of destruction over just four of those years? The real question is “can it be saved for another 247 years?” What I know is that it began with the illegitimate election of Donald Trump on November 8, 2016. A victory in the Electoral College allowed the least-qualified old, white man in history to claim the title of President of the United States, destroying the Law of the Land, and dividing our nation’s people forever. One man was allowed to destroy many of the achievements of the 44 presidents who preceded him. Today he is seeking another term in the White House although he is a confirmed sexual predator, the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America, a man guilty of multiple felonies, the only sitting president to plan, organize, and execute a coupe against his own country, and a free man although he stole classified documents for his personal use. What right-wing politicians and the mainstre...

Absolute, Undeniable, and Proof that Republicans in the House are Worthless and Immoral

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Today the House voted on a motion to expel George Santos from Congress. Santos is accused of multiple violations of the law, received a win in 2022 under false pretenses, and no one can verify his identity. However, the fake Republicans in the House failed to remove him on Wednesday. This was another embarrassment for the once Grand Old Party. They failed to remove a man who is nothing more than a con man and a class clown from the legislative body of the United States. This explains why our nation’s individual who is second in line for the presidency, Mike Johnson, is the Speaker of the House, although he opposes the First Amendment of the Constitution. Every day Santos remains in our legislature is a mockery about how horrible, incompetent, corrupt, and dysfunctional our government has become. We are a nation without leaders, and without laws. Anyone who is given a voice in Washington is allowed to voice opinions opposed to the principles, morals, and id...

Sean Hannity Once Again Places his Head Up His A**

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   “Fox News” is not only a misnomer, it is an insult to every legitimate journalist who ever wrote a single word. The only reason this right-wing propaganda machine has existed since 1996 is found in its audience. Its fans choose to believe the many lies, half-truths, and conspiracy coming from its fake journalists every day. At the top of this pile of excrement is a little man who continues his efforts to be the worst political hack in our nation’s history. His name is Sean Hannity. Hannity continues to talk to Trump on a daily basis, although he was overheard calling the leader of fascism in America multiple derogatory names questioning his intelligence. Just another right-wing hypocrite. His latest benefactor is one of Trump’s most devout a** kissers, Ohio Representative, Jim Jordan. One of the founders of the fascist “Freedom Caucus,” Jordan is attempting to replace the worst Speaker of the House in history, Kevin McCarthy. If he achieves his goal, he wi...

How Did Jim Jordan Become a Multi-Millionaire in Just Five Years?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   ·          Plutocracy: a country or society governed by the wealthy. plural noun :  plutocracies "no one can accept public policies which turn a democracy into a plutocracy" ·          an elite or ruling class of people whose power  derives  from their wealth. "officials were drawn from the new plutocracy.”   Our nation is no longer governed by a capitalistic economic system. It has become a plutocracy, defined as rule by the super-rich. The men and women who call themselves “Republicans” are liars. They have no interest in the principles or morals of the once Grand Old Party. They owe their very existence to a small percentage of greedy and ridiculously wealthy men and women. In January of 2015 a small group of House TEA Party members, believing that their extremist organization was not as extreme as it should be, formed an organization based on the precept...

What the Hell is Happening in America?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Let’s look back at the time period in America from June of 2015 and today, October, 2023. I find it both frightening and unbelievable. This is not my country. It is definitely not the nation created by our Founding Fathers. Between June of 2015 and today, our system of government has failed. Political parties have become more important than a nation of 330 million people. Doing the right thing is seldom a reality. Over the last eight years, real Americans cringed as we witnessed the illegitimate election of a president who is a fascist, an old and bigoted Senator achieve his lifelong and destructive dream, the end of the Supreme Court, and soon the probable selection of the worst, least qualified Speaker of the House in history. These are all major crimes committed by ambitious men who are unfit for any position in the three branches of government. In June of 2015, Donald John Trump and his trophy wife, Melania, rode down escalators inside Trump Tower. He ...