
Showing posts with the label Life of Crime

The Truth Revealed: Trump Knew that the 2020 Election was Fair and No Fraud Was Involved

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I call “bullshit.” Everything which comes from the mouth of your illegitimate 45 th president is a blatant lie. His intentions remain desperate efforts to protect himself and his delicate ego. Trump has been evaluated as a malignant narcissist, but he is also a sociopath. He is incapable of accepting failure, although his life is a sad tale of incompetence. Just days after the 2020 election, Trump fired his election czar, Chris Krebs. His reason was based on a single comment from Mr. Krebs: “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.” A recent revelation about events which occurred before the election offer the ultimate proof that Trump is a malignant narcissist who is a pathological liar. In February of 2020 during a meeting in the Oval Office, Trump announced that security for the upcoming election had been raised to the highest level possible. [In the meeting with senior US officials and White House staff, Trump touted h

Is Our Government Finally Admitting Trump Is a Traitor?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I watched the entire three hours, beginning with Trump dispatching his Neo-Nazi army to the Capitol Building to the end of the broadcast. Any man or woman who is honest and watched this assault on our democracy can come to one conclusion: Donald Trump committed the greatest act of treason in history. Trump’s defense over 77 years of leading a life of crime has been “I did nothing wrong.” I consider this is a tired excuse and offers no reason for anyone to believe him. His biography proves that he has been guilty of fraud, tax evasion, bribing public officials, sexual assault, money laundering, and adultery. However, when he made the big mistake of agreeing to collude with Vladimir Putin, a man he has known since 1987, and illegitimately became our president in 2016, he was exposed to a reality he could not control with monetary “gifts.” The “real Donald Trump” was revealed to the entire world. Over the last couple of months Trump has been indicted