Two Trump Suck-ups Confirm They are Idiots

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I have been reduced to using unkind words. I blame this on the fact that I probably read too much. Much of what I read are moronic statements from Trump and his brainless supporters. He is illiterate and irritating, repeating the same lies over and over again, saying nothing about what is important to most Americans. He has a reason for this: he doesn’t know what real Americans care about, and if he did, it wouldn’t concern him. Everything must always be about him. Let’s talk about two of Trump’s biggest ass kissers, and see what they’re up to today. FIRST, MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE Describing MTG in one word is easy: idiot. I could have also used “moron,” but idiot has an angrier tone. MTG hates everything about my America. By her own words and actions, her loyalty is to Trump, Vladimir Putin, and Adolf Hitler. However, the conservative media is rejecting her reckless and baseless attacks, and her personally. Her latest efforts were attempts to block additional ai...