Is Our Government Finally Admitting Trump Is a Traitor?


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


I watched the entire three hours, beginning with Trump dispatching his Neo-Nazi army to the Capitol Building to the end of the broadcast. Any man or woman who is honest and watched this assault on our democracy can come to one conclusion: Donald Trump committed the greatest act of treason in history.

Trump’s defense over 77 years of leading a life of crime has been “I did nothing wrong.” I consider this is a tired excuse and offers no reason for anyone to believe him. His biography proves that he has been guilty of fraud, tax evasion, bribing public officials, sexual assault, money laundering, and adultery.

However, when he made the big mistake of agreeing to collude with Vladimir Putin, a man he has known since 1987, and illegitimately became our president in 2016, he was exposed to a reality he could not control with monetary “gifts.” The “real Donald Trump” was revealed to the entire world.

Over the last couple of months Trump has been indicted in New York and Florida for multiple felonies. This week he was given notice by the special prosecutor assigned to investigate the January 6th insurrection that he is “a target in the investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election,” sources familiar with the matter tell ABC News. This would be a first for America. No elected official has ever been fairly punished for his or her crimes. The powerful and wealthy are held to a much lower standard in our courts. This is more confirmation that there exists “two Americas” is a legitimate allegation.

It is not surprising that several members of Trump’s fake Republican Party are livid. The truth is, they are frightened. He continues to be the favorite candidate of right-wing voters in 2024. No other man or woman who has announced their intention to win the Republican nomination is close in the polls. The absolute truth is the former Grand Old Party cannot find a single qualified man or woman to represent what has become the American Fascist Party.

The former Party of Lincoln experienced its final implosion in January of 2017 with the inauguration of Donald John Trump. He was not a legitimate Republican. The fact is he is not an American. He remains a Russian agent supported by Vladimir Putin.

I despise the very idea of political parties. If ours was truly a democratic country, every voter would be an Independent and cast their ballots for the most qualified candidate: a man or woman whose position on the issues is closest to their own.

Meanwhile, fascism continues to dominate the policies of the right side of the aisle. Extremists have a firm control over every man and woman who claims to be a “Republican.”

Op-ed by James Turnage




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