
Showing posts with the label corruption

Will You Allow Putin and Trump to Steal the Presidency Again?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart “For reasons of national security,” is bullshit. In October of 2016, leaders of America’s security services informed the leaders of our government that Vladimir Putin was interfering in our election, attempting to secure the presidency for Donald Trump. However, our corrupt leaders refused to inform the American people about this fact. After the election, in which Trump was gifted the Electoral College vote, our leaders in Washington claimed that Putin’s efforts had no effect on the outcome. This was another huge lie. An abundance of evidence since that day proved that the election was rigged. This huge failure by our government is why our nation failed to move forward into the 21 st century. Trump and his fake Republican Party moved our country backwards into the dark days of the mid-twentieth century. One by one our basic rights, guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, began to disappear. These efforts by Trump and his fascist party continued after Trump was evicte

Aileen Cannon: A Corrupt Judge Appointed by a Lifelong Criminal

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Aileen Cannon is a federal judge, appointed by Donald Trump. She has been charged with one of the most important cases involving Trump’s life of crime; his theft of classified documents when he was evicted from the White House on January 20, 2021. Yesterday she gave Trump a gift by delaying his upcoming trial. The events which followed prove that he violated the Espionage Act of 1917. He is also guilty of lying to the FBI, a federal crime. Before the raid on Mar-a-Lago, when they discovered boxes of national secrets hidden throughout the millionaire’s playpen, he claimed that he had returned all of them. TRUMP AND HIS SUPPORTERS: LIES, MISDIRECTION, BASELESS ATTACKS You might have noticed that Trump, his failed party, and his supporters constantly lie about everything. There is undeniable proof that the only attempted fraud in the 2020 election can be attributed to Trump supporters. The 91 indictments against Trump are not a “witch hunt:” I have writ

America: a Nation Without a Government or Justice for All

 I Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Here are two headlines on the front page of Google today, 4/30/2024. [AR-15 rifle recovered from scene where 4 law enforcement officers killed in Charlotte: Police] ABC News [Hush money trial judge raises threat of jail as he finds Trump violated gag order, fines him $9K] AP News These stories confirm two of my assessments of life in America in the 21 st century. FIRST: PROOF THAT OUR GOVERNMENT IS THE MOST CORRUPT IN THE WORLD, OWNED BY CORPORATE AMERICA Several years ago, FBI Director, Christopher Wray, confirmed that investigations by our country’s preeminent law enforcement agency learned that Domestic Terrorism is the greatest danger to human life in America. Since 2017, there have been more mass shootings in the United States every year than the number of days on the calendar. As of March 31, 2024, In the first 91 days of the current year, America experienced 125 mass shootings. The result: 208 deaths, and 419 more injured. Many of thes

Six Names, Six Traitors, who Could Put an End to the United States of America Forever

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I have written many times that Donald Trump is the worst thing to happen to America in its 247 years. Not the Civil War, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, or the attempted coup on January 6 caused more damage to our nation than the illegitimate election of the worst man in the world on November 8, 2016. However, the destruction of the Supreme Court of the United States of America by Trump and Moscow Mitch McConnell surpasses the damage caused by “Big Adolf.” The SCOTUS was our last hope. When it proved to be corrupted beyond repair, thanks to lifetime appointments, nothing could change the dark reality that fascism has come to America. These six names will be remembered forever as the traitors who shred the Constitution and put an end to the United States: John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. AMERICA: A NATION WITHOUT LAWS The Constitution is known as the Law of the Land. However, our third branch of government, th

In the !930’s Divorce Ranches Flourished in Reno: Will Abortion Ranches Become a Reality in 2024?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   In the 1930 ’s, Reno, Nevada , became the divorce capital of the world. Antiquated and unrealistic divorce laws in other states drove thousands of women to seek a six-month residency in Reno to establish residence and receive a fair and equitable separation of marriage.   Red states, in support of the unconstitutional Christian Religious Right, are passing anti-abortion laws. Will thousands of women wo are denied the right to make decisions about their own mental and physical health seek a similar situation away from their homes?   WILL CALIFORNIA BE THE FIRST TO ESTABLISH ABORTION RANCHES?   California Governor, Gavin Newsom is planning to allow doctors who practice in Oregon to perform abortions in California. Unlike our right-wing extremist Supreme Court, some politicians who support women and their Constitutional rights, will protect them from the dangers of fascism.   PROGRESSION or REGRESSION?   Between 2017 and 2021, Putin’s puppet destroyed