Six Names, Six Traitors, who Could Put an End to the United States of America Forever

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I have written many times that Donald Trump is the worst thing to happen to America in its 247 years. Not the Civil War, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, or the attempted coup on January 6 caused more damage to our nation than the illegitimate election of the worst man in the world on November 8, 2016.

However, the destruction of the Supreme Court of the United States of America by Trump and Moscow Mitch McConnell surpasses the damage caused by “Big Adolf.” The SCOTUS was our last hope. When it proved to be corrupted beyond repair, thanks to lifetime appointments, nothing could change the dark reality that fascism has come to America.

These six names will be remembered forever as the traitors who shred the Constitution and put an end to the United States: John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.


The Constitution is known as the Law of the Land. However, our third branch of government, the Supreme Court of the United States, has only one job, and it began to fail on June 24, 2022, and plans to repeal the Bill of Rights within a few days.

If the Court invalidates one of Trump’s 91 indictments, allowing him his ridiculous claim of “presidential immunity,” not a single law passed in the last 247 years is valid. We will become a nation without laws.

If Trump is placed above the law, all of our prisons must be emptied immediately. Nothing matters anymore.


There is overwhelming proof, denied only by our government, that Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to win the 2016 election. The Mueller report was cowardly and offered protection for your illegitimate president. AG Barr redacted everything which pointed to a conspiracy and Trump was given immunity for his treason to the United States of America. The beginning of the end.

The primary goal of our Founding Fathers during the Constitutional Convention, which convened in 1787, was to prevent the new nation from ever suffering from the tyranny of an autocratic ruler.

If an elected public servant, the man or woman we call “President,” is placed above that law, the United States will have become the opposite of the intention of the legendary and respected men who created the United States of America.


Right wing politicians have made it clear that they support Trump’s reelection and his plan to end democracy and replace it with a fascist regime with “Big Adolf” as its Fuhrer.

I once had limited faith in my government. However, over the last nine years, I no longer believe in or trust anyone in power. I have become so disenchanted with the men and women in Washington that I have questions about whether or not our country is worth saving.

We are no longer the “United” States of America. We are divided to a level not experienced since the first Civil War. And I see no way to heal our nation.

Our people are strongly committed to two diametrically opposed philosophies. One believes that democracy is foolish. Only whites who are rich and powerful should be allowed to decide the fate of 330 million people. The other side believes in the dream of our Founding Fathers and the precepts, not the literal wording, of the Constitution. We treasure individual freedom and equal rights for all Americans, regardless of their race, religious belief, sexual orientation, or the color of their skin.

Where do you stand?

Op-ed by James Turnage

My novels are available on Amazon’s free Kindle app

Please tell everyone to follow my blog: “TheWiseOldFart,” because the truth lives here





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