
Showing posts with the label Doing the Right Thing

Which Piece of Trash Will Today’s RINOs Offer the American People on November 5, 2024?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Not a single “Republican” is qualified to lead our nation. This is not an opinion, it is a fact. If they claim to be patriots and love their country’s people, they are lying. They are all hypocrites who ignore the vast majority of our nation’s people in lieu of their super-rich owners. In the ignorant, red state of Iowa, Trump and his primary rival, the worst governor in our nation, Ron DeSantis, met head-to-head on Saturday evening. (I decided to begin this with a laugh. Two old, braindead, would-be fascists professing to love their country while lying every time they open their pie holes.) First, an honest observation. If these two ugly, angry, old white men are the best the once Grand Old Party has to offer, the “Republican Party” is dead and gone forever. Even the hypocrisy of Mitt Romney cannot convince men and women with average intelligence that Trump should be nominated by a party which was once known as the “Party of Lincoln.” He is an insult not only

The Truth Revealed: Trump Knew that the 2020 Election was Fair and No Fraud Was Involved

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I call “bullshit.” Everything which comes from the mouth of your illegitimate 45 th president is a blatant lie. His intentions remain desperate efforts to protect himself and his delicate ego. Trump has been evaluated as a malignant narcissist, but he is also a sociopath. He is incapable of accepting failure, although his life is a sad tale of incompetence. Just days after the 2020 election, Trump fired his election czar, Chris Krebs. His reason was based on a single comment from Mr. Krebs: “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.” A recent revelation about events which occurred before the election offer the ultimate proof that Trump is a malignant narcissist who is a pathological liar. In February of 2020 during a meeting in the Oval Office, Trump announced that security for the upcoming election had been raised to the highest level possible. [In the meeting with senior US officials and White House staff, Trump touted h

Issues our Politicians Simply Don’t Care About

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Over this weekend there have been multiple mass shootings in America. Tens-of-thousands of Israelis are marching in the streets as their government moves closer to fascism. The Russian military attacked a cathedral in Ukraine. Millions of Americans remain without healthcare, and the majority of our nation’s people continue to struggle financially. However, Republicans in Washington have bigger concerns. They continue to attack President Biden for his many accomplishments, they are attacking all liberals and even members of their own party. They remain desperate to find “dirt” on Hunter Biden, and they continue to admit they are the party of racism, misogyny, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and xenophobia, spreading anger, hatred, and violence in all 50 states. The safety of the American people, nor their quality of life are of little or no importance to these right-wing extremists. Nearly 100 percent of all those who claim to be “Republicans” have only one

Call Yourself a “Liberal” or a “Progressive,” the Truth is We Need a Hero

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I am registered as a Democrat, but only because if I am not, I cannot vote in the primaries. In reality, I have been a lifelong Independent, and believe that everyone should reject all political parties. Every voter should cast their ballots for the best candidate regardless of the party funding their campaigns. Voting for a party is an act of pure ignorance. What I am proud of is being a liberal, or if you choose, a progressive. If you are not a liberal, why not? Liberals care about others. We are concerned about the future of our nation’s people; all of them. We are also involved in the fight against climate change, a woman’s right to make decisions about her personal physical and mental health, and the right to have access to healthcare without excessive and life-altering financial burden. We care about the growing gap in income inequality, and will protect the Constitution: all of it, not just the Second Amendment. Unlike those who call themselves “conservat