Issues our Politicians Simply Don’t Care About


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


Over this weekend there have been multiple mass shootings in America. Tens-of-thousands of Israelis are marching in the streets as their government moves closer to fascism. The Russian military attacked a cathedral in Ukraine. Millions of Americans remain without healthcare, and the majority of our nation’s people continue to struggle financially. However, Republicans in Washington have bigger concerns. They continue to attack President Biden for his many accomplishments, they are attacking all liberals and even members of their own party. They remain desperate to find “dirt” on Hunter Biden, and they continue to admit they are the party of racism, misogyny, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and xenophobia, spreading anger, hatred, and violence in all 50 states.

The safety of the American people, nor their quality of life are of little or no importance to these right-wing extremists. Nearly 100 percent of all those who claim to be “Republicans” have only one interest: themselves.

When I woke up this morning and booted my computer. I read about a large number of mass shootings this weekend. This has become the expected result of American life where guns are easily accessible, and mental health is ignored by our government and the insurance companies.

Of all the important issues, gun violence is the easiest to resolve. However, money from the NRA gun lobby is of greater importance than the right of every man, woman, and child to feel safe going about their daily lives. The golden rule, “doing the right thing,” has been dismissed by every politician on the right side of the aisle.

Meanwhile, they embrace white supremacy, the suppression of voting rights, and preventing women from their Constitutional right to decide how to care for their own physical and mental health related to the termination of a pregnancy. Attacks on basic human rights have become the focus of the right-wing extremists who are falsely representing the former Grand Old Party.

Since 1981, right-wing politicians refuse to perform the jobs for which they were elected. Their priorities have been themselves, their party, and destroying the accomplishments of progressive men and women over the last 70 years. They choose to move our nation backwards, not forwards, and are harming our nation’s future.

Let me end this with a question: if Republicans refuse to work for you, why do you vote for them?

Op-ed by James Turnage


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