Which Piece of Trash Will Today’s RINOs Offer the American People on November 5, 2024?
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
Not a single “Republican” is qualified to lead our nation.
This is not an opinion, it is a fact. If they claim to be patriots and love their
country’s people, they are lying. They are all hypocrites who ignore the vast
majority of our nation’s people in lieu of their super-rich owners.
In the ignorant, red state of Iowa, Trump and his primary
rival, the worst governor in our nation, Ron DeSantis, met head-to-head on
Saturday evening. (I decided to begin this with a laugh. Two old, braindead,
would-be fascists professing to love their country while lying every time they
open their pie holes.)
First, an honest observation. If these two ugly, angry, old
white men are the best the once Grand Old Party has to offer, the “Republican
Party” is dead and gone forever. Even the hypocrisy of Mitt Romney cannot
convince men and women with average intelligence that Trump should be nominated
by a party which was once known as the “Party of Lincoln.” He is an insult not
only to their greatest President, but to our Founding Fathers and they high
standard of morals and principles.
Let’s look at other men and women who declared their
candidacy as of 7/30/23.
I offered my opinion of the
favorites earlier. There are three other contenders equally as laughable as
Trump and DeSantis: Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, and Tim Scott. I would like to
offer a positive review of at least one of them, but that’s not possible.
As the Governor of South Carolina, Ms. Haley was a respected
woman who had the courage to do the right thing most of the time. However,
after accepting Trump’s appointment as Ambassador to the United Nation, she
surrendered her principles, morals, and her dignity to the worst man in the
world. She cannot be trusted. She has joined the American Fascist Party,
created by Donald Trump, and everything she says can be considered a lie. Three
strikes and she’s out.
It is inconceivable that Mike Pence believes he has a “chance
of a snowball in hell” of becoming the President of the United States. Trump’s
personal “yes man” proved that he is a coward and a hypocrite not to be
trusted. He has zero charisma, no ideas, and is a self-proclaimed fake
Christian, a misogynist, and a homophobe. I know none of these matters to
Republican voters, they have proven they will vote for anyone with an “R” next
to their name, regardless of their crimes, lack of morality, or hatred for the
United States of America.
Several years ago, I believed that Tim Scott, Republican
senator from South Carolina, might be a real Republican who could be a
legitimate candidate for the presidency one day in the future. However, between
2017 and 2021, he bowed to Trump’s every unconstitutional demand, proving that
he is just another fake Republican who will never place his country first. He
is another paid liar and totally unfit for public office.
There are several long shots. Two with actual name recognition
are former New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, and Marco Rubio, Senator from
Florida. Both of these failures were crushed by Trump in the 2016 primaries. Exposed
by their own words and actions, not a single Independent or Democratic leaning
voter would consider either of these two losers. The 2016 election was rigged
in Trump’s failure. The 2020 election was a referendum against the fascist and
unconstitutional actions and plans of the worst president in American history.
What will the 2024 election offer?
If Trump, DeSantis, or any other right-wing candidate’s name
is on the ballot, this will be the greatest travesty and most laughable
offering in history. As all elections
have become, Independent voters will decide the outcome. Although I know that
all voters should reject loyalty to any political party, it is predictable that
no one claiming to be a Democratic or Republican voter will cross party lines.
The current number of voters claiming to be Independent is
49 percent, as younger voters decline participation in a single party. This is
a positive trend, unless you are a Republican. The only way the right-wing
extremists of the 21st century can win is to receive assistance from
a foreign entity, or plan another coup like the failed insurrection on January
6, 2021.
Beginning in 1981, the Republican Party decided to change
radically. It abandoned the literal policies of conservatism and adopted more
radical ideas which moved farther to the right and eventually encouraged the
development of extreme radicals who call themselves the “TEA Party,” and even
more radical, the “Freedom Caucus.” Any resemblance to the Grand Old Party of
years past is accidental.
Donald Trump did not lead his party into fascism, he is not
a leader. However, his policies and the wishes of his supporters influenced the
entire party on the right side of the aisle to abandon the principles of me
like Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, and although he had
faults, the ideals of Richard Nixon.
There is only one legitimate party in Washington today, and
Democrats are far from perfect. Over my 67 years of interest in American
politics, I have witnessed the failures of both parties, and the changes within
them. The last true Democrat was Franklin Delano Roosevelt who always placed
the American people in priority number one. As politics began to surpass the
golden rule, doing the right thing, our government began to fail its people.
Today, I believe it is broken beyond repair.
Only you can make a difference and save our country.
Op-ed by James Turnage
My nine novels can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/James-Turnage/author/B00LOCJ2Z2?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
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