Call Yourself a “Liberal” or a “Progressive,” the Truth is We Need a Hero

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I am registered as a Democrat, but only because if I am not, I cannot vote in the primaries. In reality, I have been a lifelong Independent, and believe that everyone should reject all political parties. Every voter should cast their ballots for the best candidate regardless of the party funding their campaigns. Voting for a party is an act of pure ignorance.

What I am proud of is being a liberal, or if you choose, a progressive. If you are not a liberal, why not? Liberals care about others. We are concerned about the future of our nation’s people; all of them. We are also involved in the fight against climate change, a woman’s right to make decisions about her personal physical and mental health, and the right to have access to healthcare without excessive and life-altering financial burden. We care about the growing gap in income inequality, and will protect the Constitution: all of it, not just the Second Amendment.

Unlike those who call themselves “conservatives,” we have no concern about the profits of large corporations, most significantly no worries about the future of their CEOs or Boards of Directors. They take very good care of themselves as they “screw” consumers and the men and women who actually do the work required to increase profits.

The truth is, there are no true conservatives left in Washington. The once Grand Old Party has moved so far to the right they must now be called “The American Fascist Party.” The change was completed between 2017 and 2021 when a man was given the presidency although he hates his own country and cannot be called an American.

Democrats are spineless. They are afraid to do the right thing and lose an election. Our nation needs a hero: someone with the courage to take pride in their liberal agenda, an agenda which would serve all Americans and keep the promises of our Founding Fathers. Sadly, winning elections is all that matters when a man or a woman is elected to the House or Senate.

I am proud to be liberal and will remain a free thinker who is proud to display his compassion for those who are less fortunate and forgotten by our current government.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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