The Failure of American Voters and their Poor Choices in Our Nation’s Leaders

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


First, let me begin with the greatest president in American history. The only American leader who placed his nation’s people in priority number one, 100 percent of the time: Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He was elected to four terms as our country’s President, but died on April 12, 1945. The fact that he was unbeatable encouraged the establishment of presidential term limits, passed by the vote of the people on February 27, 1951. Unfortunately, our government didn’t learn much from this change in our system. The legislative and judicial branches remain free to do as they please without restrictions on their length of service.

I use FDR first because if he had finished his fourth term, I sincerely doubt that he would have approved the use of the atom bomb on the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. People were of greater importance than corporate profits or reelection. The unnecessary taking of innocent lives remains one of our nation’s greatest crimes, in my opinion.

We move onto the first election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. Like many others, he made a fool of me. I believed he would serve all Americans and move our nation forward. Less than three months into his first term I became aware that he, like most Republicans, is simply a conman. It was Reagan who began demanding complete loyalty and a void of dissention within his party. It was Reagan who began the right-wing’s war on the working class, and the wars on women and minorities. It was Reagan who encouraged the creation of the Christian Religious Right with his extreme devotion to Christianity. If he had not been chosen to be our nation’s leader, many “hot button” issues today would not exist, including gun control, abortion, same-sex marriage, and the stagnation of quality of life for most Americans. His fiscal policy resulted in the national debt reaching one-trillion dollars when he left office in 1989.

George H.W. Bush continued Reagan’s use of “trickle-down economics,” which was nothing but a ploy to increase the wealth of the super-rich, while ignoring the needs and wishes of the working class. He barely survived a single term.

To the rescue came William Jefferson Clinton with an administration which not only erased the national debt, left office in 2001 with the national treasury experiencing a surplus.

Of course we all know that George W. Bush erased all of his accomplishments. He began by ignoring warnings from our national security agencies about an “imminent attack” on our nation. His use of the aforementioned policy of trickle-down economics and the elimination of any oversight related to what was happening on Wall Street, combined with our engagement in two illegal and unwinnable wars, increased the national debt and nearly placed our nation in a second Great Depression.

President Obama displayed great wisdom personally, and by his choices for advisors. His fiscal policies, based on common sense, moved us away from the Great Recession and when he left office in 2017 America’s economy was in full recovery. Social changes moved our nation forward in the 21st century displaying a willingness to join the rest of developed nations.

However, another Republican president, Donald Trump, ended many of President Obama’s policies, while bragging about Mr. Obama’s accomplishments as his own. His failure to attack the rapidly advancing coronavirus in 2020, telling the American people that “it would just go away,” nearly placed our country in another Great Recession. He accomplished nothing for the great majority of Americans over four very long years, and wants to return to the White House in 2025. Trump will forever be remembered as the worst president in history, and the greatest criminal in our nation’s 247-year history. His division of our nation is only comparable to the events which resulted in the first Civil War.

If American voters were better informed, and the former “fourth estate” would have performed its primary responsibility, Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43, and Trump would never have won the Electoral College. It is a fact that if the Electoral College did not exist, no Republican would have resided in the White House since 1993. Democrats, who understand economics, would have led us courageously for the last 31 years, and our country would not be in shambles today. Our government would be less corrupt, and America would not be under attack by a fascist and his extremist cult. Compassion, understanding, and acceptance would be the norm instead of anger, hatred, and violence.

Today our once respected nation is in a battle for its very existence. The Second Civil War has not become bloody, yet, but it will be very soon. I believe that when the next general election is held on November 5, 2024, the conflict will have become bloody. Trump is without question the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America, and his minions, including the Proud Boys and others, will begin attacking loyal Americans with the intent of establishing Trump as their leader, replacing democracy with fascism once and for all.

No one can “sit on the sidelines” any longer. It is us vs them, and “them” are the supporters of the worst criminal in the history of the world. We have only two choices, and one will end the dreams of our founding fathers forever.

VOTE! Like your future depended on it.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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