How Lindsey Graham Morphed From a Respected Senator to a Hypocritical Sycophant and a Piece of Human Excrement

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart His name is Lindsay Graham. There was a time in his life when he could have been remembered by history as a leader of the once respected Republican Party. Along with the man he claimed was his closest friend, Senator John McCain from Arizona, they exposed corruption and controversial actions on both sides of the aisle. However when Senator McCain lost his battle with cancer. Apparently, Graham lost his mind completely. He became a devotee of what has not only been established as the worst president in American history, but a man closely connected with Vladimir Putin as the worst men in the world. Although the negatives about Trump continue to mount, Graham remains loyal to the Russian agent whose orders are to destroy the United States of America. HOW THE FORMER PARTY OF LINCOLN DEVOLVED INTO PUPPETS FOR A RUSSIAN AGENT No one, and I mean no one will offer the complete truth about the history between Trump and Putin. Trump likely relinquished his American ...