Everything is Stacked Against the President: America Will see the Real “Scrapper from Scranton”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Republicans are desperate to discredit him. The media has nothing but negative things to sa him. Last Thursday evening, CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash allowed Trump to control what they called a “debate,” while making him look even worse than he was. A number of Democrats are suggesting he end his campaign after one bad night. Who’s on Joe Biden’s side? I am, and you should be too. IF ALL DEMOCRATS WERE AS TOUGH AS JOE BIDEN, PROGRESSIVES WOULD NEVER LOSE AN ELECTION For more than 40 years most Democrats have been pussies. They allow right-wing extremists to attack them and their policies. Instead of going on the counter offensive, they make apologies or excuses for Republican’s attacks, true or false. The President is not afraid to call Trump what he is and criticize those who call themselves “Republicans” for their failures and their lies. Over his 35 years in the Senate, and eight years as President Obama’s Vice-President, he attempted to work with Republica...