Why my Wife Wants to Move to Canada
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
I continue to claim that after four years of an illegitimate
Trump presidency, the United States is one election away from becoming a
fascist regime. A Republican win by any of their unqualified men or women in
2024 would signal the end of my America.
Our neighbor to the north is already making preparations for
the time when our government surrenders 330 million people to a dictator.
[Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly says Canada has been
considering a "game plan" for how it would respond if the United
States takes a far-right, authoritarian shift after next year's presidential
If I haven’t reported enough information to create an
atmosphere of fear over the last 10 years, my efforts have failed. Maybe the
fact that Canada is taking steps to thwart the effect of an autocratic society
to its south will awaken some of the uninformed.
Here’s the way I see it, tell me if I’m wrong.
About 30-40 percent of all Americans continue to support
Trump’s goals of creating a state controlled by all white Americans, where
minorities, women, the poor, and all non-Christians would be subservient. They
also support a plutocracy, and a plutocracy cannot continue to exist without
the support of a fascist regime. There is no room for democracy, and no guarantee
for human rights for anyone who is not a member of the “master race.”
The party on the right side of the aisle which called itself
“Republican” no longer exists. The party which once supported policies of
conservatism surrendered its principles and morals is nothing but a memory. No
longer do these men and women support small businesses, privacy, and less government
control over our daily lives. The opposite has become the reality. This party
should be labeled The American Fascist Party.
As I near the time when I will be an octogenarian, I am
ashamed of what has happened to my country since the beginning of the 21st
century. Fear has replaced understanding. Hatred voids compassion. Violence is
the extreme and prevents honest discussion and compromise.
It’s too easy to place 100 percent of the blame on Trump and
his incompetent and uncaring party. However, Republican voters must take
responsibility for choosing the worst people in our nation, people who hate
democracy and freedom, to serve them in Washington. If names such as Ted Cruz,
Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Lauren Boebert fail to make
your blood boil, you are one of millions of men and women in our country who
are completely uninformed, or support the growing Neo-Nazi movement.
Canada and the rest of the free world have good reason to
fear that the dream of our Founding Fathers is coming to an end. It began in
1981 with the inauguration of a man who demanded complete loyalty and forbade
any form of dissention within his failing party..
Today’s Republicans in name only serve one man, a man who
hates his own country and serves his handler, Vladimir Putin. A man who has
failed to accomplish anything of value in his 77 years. A man who is the
confirmed leader of the white supremacist movement. A man who is well-known as
a sexual predator. A man who committed the ultimate act of treason on January
6, 2021. The old, white man who was impeached twice, and has been indicted four
time in 2023 for felonies he committed in his past and during his illegitimate
presidency. What the f**k is wrong with the American people?
Only we, the American people, can save our country. The only
question is how many of us really care?
Op-ed by James Turnage
Find my nine novels here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/James-Turnage/author/B00LOCJ2Z2?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
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