
Showing posts with the label Life of Crime

The Evidence Proves that the 2024 Election has been Rigged for Donald Trump Again

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The judicial system of the United States is the most corrupt in the entire world. Every decision made over the last couple of years has been in favor of fascist leader Donald John Trump. This is irrefutable proof that our nation is over. The dream is dead, and a rigged 2024 election will allow Trump a return to the White House. Kiss Your Ass Good-bye If you are wealthy or powerful, and charged with a crime, you have no worries. Your money will buy the best attorneys and judges, and you will never be forced to pay for your crimes. However, if you are poor, and more importantly Black, or Hispanic, you are going to prison for a very long time: no one can save you. The average income of the men and women incarcerated in our nation’s prisons, prior to conviction, is less than 20,000 dollars per year. Want Proof? On June 24, 2022, a corrupted Supreme Court, stacked in favor of Donald Trump and his puppet, Moscow Mitch McConnell,, overturned a 49-year-old decision by a

If You Want to Go to Jail, Work for Donald Trump

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I have simply lost count. Of course , I remember Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, and Advisor Paul Manafort, but the list has grown much longer since the “bad old days.” It seems that if you would like to go to jail, work for Donald Trump.   Not to be outdone by his minions, Trump has received 91 felony indictments. That number could grow even larger.    The latest Trump goon to face legal action is an attorney who has frequently been admonished in court, Alina Habba.   How Many Sexual Predators are Employed by Trump?   The situation involves sexual harassment at Trump’s Bedminster New Jersey golf club. Habba is accused of unethical tactics to settle the accusation which involved another of Trump’s infamous “non-disclosure agreements.”   Alice Bianco filed a complaint against food and beverage manager, Pavel Melichar, for numerous actions of sexual harassment in 2021. Habba coerced Ms. Bianco to accept a token settlement and sign a nondiscl

If Trump Remained in Office, He Would be Impeached for a Third Time

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump was in office for 1,460 days. He committed at least one crime during every sad day he pretended to be your president. We all know of his many Constitutional violations and his crimes against humanity, and we all know that he was impeached for cause twice but never received a fair trial in the Senate. Most of us knew about a situation confirmed and reported to the general public today, which would have demanded a third impeachment. The Emoluments Clause is clear: “The plain purpose of the foreign emoluments clause was to ensure that the country’s leaders would not be improperly influenced, even unconsciously, through gift giving, then a common and generally corrupt practice among European rulers and diplomats. An early version of the clause, modeled on a rule adopted by the Dutch Republic in 1651 that forbade its foreign ministers from receiving “any presents, directly or indirectly, in any manner or way whatever,” was incorporated into the Articles of Co

The Media is a Failure: They Refuse to Admit that Trump is America’s Greatest Lifetime Criminal

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The fact that Trump and his Klan are lifetime criminals is irrefutable. However, the mainstream media continues to support our nation’s greatest traitor. Not once over the last eight years have they been truthful about the evil that is Donald John Trump. Throughout the 2016 campaign the media gave him five-times more coverage than all other candidates combined, proving that they supported the man who would later attempt to destroy the government of the United States. Our Founding Fathers established several safeguards in the Bill of Rights designed to protect the American people from corruption in our government. The most effective rule protected the press from prosecution for exposing crimes committed by our elected officials. Over the last 40+ years a once respected fourth estate has itself become corrupted. Factual stories about Trump prove that he and his supporters are above the law and confirm that our justice system is not blind and is dominat

Trump Admits that He Hates America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I have written many times that Trump is not an American and therefore cannot become the President of the United States of America. Recently, he admitted that my allegation is indeed fact. The proof actually began on January 20, 2017, and was completed on January 6, 2021 when he ordered his Neo-Nazi army to halt the certification of the Electoral College vote. Recently, he admitted that he hates the America of our founding fathers and the Constitution signed by the members of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia at the closing in 1789. He told some members of his cult that he “wished he lived overseas.” Of course the only countries which would accept him are Russia, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, and Turkey. He is hated by nearly every person in any of the developed nations. I would love to see him leave our country permanently. From the day he was born, he was living in the Trump world, the Trump Klan. His daddy paid for everything from deferments fro

Right Wing Desperation Confirmed by Fox

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Fox began to back away from supporting Donald Trump after the January 6 insurrection and the indictments for his felonious actions. However, as ratings continue to drop, and fear and desperation replaced the fake news network’s arrogance, the right-wing propaganda machine is once again focusing their attention on the greatest traitor in American history. It is no secret that the extremists on the right side of the aisle seek repeal of the first amendment, unless it is beneficial for their obscene and anti-American agenda. Fox is claiming that Trump had a right to attempt the overthrow of our government, based on the first amendment in the Bill of Rights. Fox claims that Trump had a right to say “some bad things.” What the f**k is happening in this nation? We are devolving into the dark ages when a small group of very rich men controlled our government and the future of our country. If Franklin D. Roosevelt had not become our president, the end of the

Donald Trump’s Enormous Ego Forced His Biggest Mistake


“I Could Shoot Someone in Times Square and Nothing Would Happen”

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump has always believed that he is above the law. His life of crime is fraught with tales of financial crime and sexual misconduct. During the 2016 campaign he claimed that he “could shoot someone in Times Square and nothing would happen.” In 2018 and 2021, Moscow Mitch McConnell offered Trump proof that he was indeed above the law when he refused to conduct a fair trial after he was impeached twice by the House. In past articles I have proven that America’s entire justice system is broken from the cops on the street to the current biased Supreme Court. The rich and powerful are never treated fairly by law enforcement, or the courts. I only need to offer one situation to prove my allegation involving Donald John Trump. On January 6, 2021, he committed treason and yet he remains a free man. Later it was confirmed that he was hiding classified documents, including those related to nuclear power, in violation of the Espionage Act, the same act which was

From January 2017 Until 2023 Trump Faced Indictments and Investigations

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart     For the first time in history, and hopefully the last, a President of the United States was under investigation for criminal actions from his first day in office. The day was January 20, 2017, and the illegitimate president inaugurated on that dark day was Donald John Trump.    Trump immediately faced allegations from 26 women of sexual misconduct. His policies focused on Muslims, and later Hispanics resulted in charges of racism and bigotry. He was under investigation for misuse of donations to his minimal inauguration. A letter signed by 25 reputable psychiatrists claimed that Trump was mentally unstable and unfit to lead our country. The list was long before he made his first state of the union address.   His actions became more extreme. Trump was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives for the first time on December 18, 2019. The articles of impeachment charged him with abuse of power and\ obstruction of Congress. However, Moscow Mitch McConne