Trump Admits that He Hates America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


I have written many times that Trump is not an American and therefore cannot become the President of the United States of America. Recently, he admitted that my allegation is indeed fact.

The proof actually began on January 20, 2017, and was completed on January 6, 2021 when he ordered his Neo-Nazi army to halt the certification of the Electoral College vote.

Recently, he admitted that he hates the America of our founding fathers and the Constitution signed by the members of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia at the closing in 1789. He told some members of his cult that he “wished he lived overseas.” Of course the only countries which would accept him are Russia, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, and Turkey. He is hated by nearly every person in any of the developed nations.

I would love to see him leave our country permanently. From the day he was born, he was living in the Trump world, the Trump Klan. His daddy paid for everything from deferments from Vietnam to his fake-sheepskin from Wharton. He has done nothing of importance, living off of other people’s money for all 77 years he has been allowed to live on this planet and in the country he hates.

Not Pearl Harbor, 9/11, the biggest tornadoes or hurricanes, nothing has caused as much damage to our nation as Donald John Trump. His intentional division of our nation, efforts to move America backwards into our darkest days, and his efforts to overturn our democracy moved our nation closer to its demise every day since June 2015 when he declared his ambition to be your president.

I don’t understand it. He is far from “the sharpest tool in the shed,” he’s obese, has a bad comb-over, lacks all ability to speak coherently, without any form of intellect, is a confirmed business failure, and a sexual predator. What is the attraction? It can only be two things. Donald Trump is the confirmed leader of white supremacy in America, and seeks to establish a fascist regime in Washington.

If you listened to Trump’s inaugural address, you heard his remarks where he called our nation a disgrace and a virtual cesspool. Never forget, by his own words and actions he violated his oath of office to defend our country against all enemies, foreign and domestic, upholding the Constitution of the United States of America. He never meant what he said before the American people, he simply told another of his many, many, many lies.

Don’t be misled by the traitors on the right-side of the aisle, the 2024 election will be a contest between the United States of America and Putin’s puppet, Donald John Trump. It will decide whether or not the nation created by our founding fathers will survive or surrender to a man and his party who hate our country and would become a dictatorship.

Trump’s illegitimate success began in 1981 when Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as our nation’s 40th president. He reformed the once Grand Old Party into a political machine where unity and loyalty erased free thought and therefore honest deliberation and the ultimate goal of compromise. This and the adoption of the fiscal policy known as “trickle-down economics” began the end of the Party of Lincoln.

During the 2016 campaign, the idea of a Trump presidency was rejected by nearly every man and woman who was elected under the flag of the Republican Party. There were informal organizations like “the never Trump party,” and “the anybody but Trump party,” among many others. They knew that he was a danger to our country and entirely unfit for any public office.

Trump is not a “Republican,” a “Democrat,” a capitalist, or even a legitimate businessman. Trump is a confirmed criminal, and a malignant narcissist who will say and do anything to achieve his goal of becoming a true billionaire who is relevant in today’s America.

Trump doesn’t care about his wife, his children, and refuses to be loyal to those who are loyal to him. He cares only about Donald Trump and cannot be allowed to continue his division of our nation, a nation he rejects and despises.

We, the voting public, can and must do better.

Op-ed by James Turnage


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