The Media is a Failure: They Refuse to Admit that Trump is America’s Greatest Lifetime Criminal


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


The fact that Trump and his Klan are lifetime criminals is irrefutable. However, the mainstream media continues to support our nation’s greatest traitor. Not once over the last eight years have they been truthful about the evil that is Donald John Trump. Throughout the 2016 campaign the media gave him five-times more coverage than all other candidates combined, proving that they supported the man who would later attempt to destroy the government of the United States.

Our Founding Fathers established several safeguards in the Bill of Rights designed to protect the American people from corruption in our government. The most effective rule protected the press from prosecution for exposing crimes committed by our elected officials. Over the last 40+ years a once respected fourth estate has itself become corrupted.

Factual stories about Trump prove that he and his supporters are above the law and confirm that our justice system is not blind and is dominated by a double standard. One system allows the rich and powerful to escape punishment for their crimes, the other affects the poor and minorities far more harshly.

Trump committed the same crimes as the Rosenbergs who were executed in 1953. He also planned, organized, and executed the attempted overthrow of our government on January 6, 2021. However, he remains free, spreading lies, dividing our country, and running for election.

A president of the United States is allowed to maintain domestic business interests. However, the Emoluments Clause forbids him or her from engaging in foreign investments. Trump violated this rule every day between January 20, 2017 and January 20, 2021.

Trump was allowed to begin campaigning for 2020 from day one. He held his hate rallies in “red friendly” cities for four years while wasting millions of taxpayer dollars. The cost of flying on Air Force One is more than 200,000 dollars per hour. Add this the cost of secret service protection and other expenses, and Trump cost our nation more money than all other presidents combined in modern history.

Throughout his four years in the White House the media failed to mention these facts once. They colluded with his illegitimate presidency and must no longer receive protection under the First Amendment.

I made a decision on November 9, 2016. After the rigged election by the Electoral College of Trump on November 8th, I considered how often the once 4th estate protected Trump and ignored the facts, I swore I would never watch or listen to television news again. I have kept that promise and wish that all Americans would refuse to be lied to now and in the future.

With the beginning of Fox News in 1996, it was just a matter of time until all other networks followed its example to increase advertising revenue. News broadcasts have become “entertainment.” Truth, facts, and offering what happened during the day locally and around the world are of little or no importance. Every news broadcast is biased, none of the networks are “fair and balanced.”

If the American people seek the truth without bias or opinion, they are forced to depend on independent writers who have no reason to depend on lies and half-truths for personal gain.

My motto has always been and always will be “the truth lives here.” It has now been 10 years since I began writing for a print newspaper, and later for online publications. I have written thousands of articles on various subjects. However, my main focus has been exposing the ugly and destructive world of politics. The most difficult part of this is found in the thing I hate most; lies. All politicians lie. Few would exist if they were truthful 100 percent of the time. Lies trickle down from our leaders in Washington to everyone in power. In the 21st century we are lied to by everyone involved in the justice system, our priests, ministers, and pastors, and everyone involved in the corporate world.

I encourage you to vote every time the opportunity arises. But vote wisely. Take the few minutes necessary to vette the candidates, and choose women and men who are most closely aligned with your wishes and needs. This is the only weapon we have today.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Find my nine novels here:


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