“I Could Shoot Someone in Times Square and Nothing Would Happen”


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


Trump has always believed that he is above the law. His life of crime is fraught with tales of financial crime and sexual misconduct. During the 2016 campaign he claimed that he “could shoot someone in Times Square and nothing would happen.” In 2018 and 2021, Moscow Mitch McConnell offered Trump proof that he was indeed above the law when he refused to conduct a fair trial after he was impeached twice by the House.

In past articles I have proven that America’s entire justice system is broken from the cops on the street to the current biased Supreme Court. The rich and powerful are never treated fairly by law enforcement, or the courts. I only need to offer one situation to prove my allegation involving Donald John Trump. On January 6, 2021, he committed treason and yet he remains a free man. Later it was confirmed that he was hiding classified documents, including those related to nuclear power, in violation of the Espionage Act, the same act which was used to execute the Rosenbergs in 1953.

On the morning of November 9, 2016, I lost most of my love for and loyalty to the United States of America. I knew that about one-half of our nation’s people were opposed to the principles and morals which once dominated my daily life. A career criminal who was also a sexual predator had become the illegitimate leader of more than 300 million people. Little did I know how bad his reign of terror would be, and how he may have destroyed our country’s future.

It pains me to admit that the love I once had for my country has been diminished. Along with the worst president in history, the entire right-side of the aisle abandoned their own dignity and responsibilities and offered their allegiance to an obese, old white man who violated the Constitution daily, and planned to replace democracy with his fascist agenda.

Last week he was indicted for the third time in a few months. His response was to threaten his accusers, and continue his biggest lie involving the 2020 election. Trump has proven himself to be the most despicable man who ever lived. He has no redeeming qualities and his life of failure and incompetence will become legendary.

I’m not sure that America can be saved. Our government has proven itself to be the most corrupt and incompetent in the world. More importantly, Trump’s traitorous cult supports his policies of white supremacy, homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, and anti-Semitism. If 40 percent of our nation opposes the Constitution, how can we survive?

None of the Neo-Nazis who attacked the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, have been punished for their actual crimes of sedition and treason. We have become a lawless country, and Trump knows this is true because he has never been punished for his crimes and likely never will be. I have lost all respect for anyone in power in this country. America is no longer a good country attempting to become a great country, it is only a memory. I truly believe all hope is lost.

Op-ed by James Turnage




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