If Trump Remained in Office, He Would be Impeached for a Third Time

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


Trump was in office for 1,460 days. He committed at least one crime during every sad day he pretended to be your president. We all know of his many Constitutional violations and his crimes against humanity, and we all know that he was impeached for cause twice but never received a fair trial in the Senate. Most of us knew about a situation confirmed and reported to the general public today, which would have demanded a third impeachment.

The Emoluments Clause is clear: “The plain purpose of the foreign emoluments clause was to ensure that the country’s leaders would not be improperly influenced, even unconsciously, through gift giving, then a common and generally corrupt practice among European rulers and diplomats. An early version of the clause, modeled on a rule adopted by the Dutch Republic in 1651 that forbade its foreign ministers from receiving “any presents, directly or indirectly, in any manner or way whatever,” was incorporated into the Articles of Confederation (1781) as Article VI, Paragraph I.”

The Daily Kos exposed a damning fact on Thursday. Trump received at least 7.8 million dollars from foreign entities during his single term in office. If he remained in office, impeachment would be the only alternative.

Let me put this in simple perspective. The Emoluments Clause was designed to prevent our nation’s leader from offering “favors” to foreign nations in exchange for financial remuneration. We are aware today that Trump’s only purpose for seeking the presidency was based on the fact that it would offer him an opportunity to enhance his failing personal wealth. When he was not golfing, playing the role of a man of substance at his Mar-a-Lago resort, or watching Fox News, he was communicating with leaders of foreign nations making “deals.” He did not spend a single hour of a single day working for the American people.

And he is seeking another opportunity to do the same and avoid prosecution for his life of crime. Trump is no a “man.”

Op-ed by James Turnage

My nine novels are available on Amazon’s free Kindle app

Sources: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/1/4/2215401/-Report-states-that-Trump-took-7-8-Million-in-foreign-payments-while-in-office?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web


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