
Why Don’t Rapists Receive the Same Punishment as Those Who Commit First Degree Murder?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Two issues which never receive enough attention from the media or law enforcement are domestic terrorism, and domestic violence. FBI Director, Christopher Wray declared domestic terrorism the greatest danger to the American people. However, domestic violence, specifically sexual assault in its most egregious form, rape, continues to be a tremendous problem although the victims suffer in the same manner as men and women who lose their lives through an act of first-degree murder. The targets of rapists are mostly women or girls. This heinous act may result in the death of a victim. However, if the victim survives, her life is forever changed. Some commit suicide, and others require a lifetime of therapy. The perpetrator has in fact taken the life of another human being. Because more females than males suffer from the crime of rape the courts consider it a lesser crime than murder, once again proving that our court system is prejudiced and even sexist.

All Game Shows Are “Rigged” in the 21st Century

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Several years ago, my wife and I began our mornings in the usual way. We watched CBS This Morning, and then the game show, Let’s Make a Deal. I have not watched any television news since the morning of November 9, 2016. I blame television media for assisting Trump in his Electoral College victory. Then, a couple of years ago we ceased watching Let’s Make a Deal. I discovered it was “rigged.” If this show, with its smaller prize list, was “fixed,” what about the shows whose prizes are much larger? Here's the story, but before I tell it, I want you to know that I contacted CBS and informed them that I had proof that their show was rigged. I never heard back from them, even after offering them the details. One of the games offered on this particular morning involved a board with 50 squares. The idea was to match prizes or monetary values before uncovering a “zonk.” A young, male contestant was given five seconds to see the board uncovered, then it w

Will American Voters Elect a Fascist in 2024?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It is an undeniable fact that Trump and his MAGA Party are fascists who would end Democracy in our nation forever. Is it possible that the foundation of America, democracy for all, could become nothing but a memory in 2024? The answer is “yes.” If Trump is elected on November 5 th , the current Second Civil War will become bloody and may result in a greater number of casualties than the first. Real, patriotic Americans will never accept Trump as our president. Between 2017 and 2021 he intentionally divided our nation and moved America backwards into the dark days of the mid-twentieth century. Instead of working to improve the quality of life for all Americans, Trump, under the direction of Vladimir Putin, sought the end of our nation with the shredding of the Constitution. The most popular topic in 2024 is the undeniable fact that the American people will be faced with an unwanted decision in November. Our choice will be between tow old, white men who nobody w

Trump Attempts to Hide His Real Name, While Mocking Nikki Haley’s

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   In another demonstration of his adamant beliefs in racism and bigotry, and unable to criticize her for her position on the issues, Trump is attacking Nikki Haley for not using her birth name. You see, Ms. Haley’s ancestors came to America from India, and although she has always used her middle name, “Nikki,” her birth name is “Nimbra.” My family’s origin is Prussian. I have been called “James” all of my life. However, its origin is from the name “Jakob.” So what? Although today’s fake Republicans attempt to deny this fact, we are all immigrants. Donald Trump’s family changed their surname from “Drumpf” to Trump. The primary reason, according to history, is based on the fact that the Drumpf family left Germany in disgrace and was not allowed to return. Like his Grandson, Friederich Drumpf was a draft dodger. This is why the family attempted to hide the fact that they are German immigrants. The truth is the worst president in American history, who has become the

Donald “the Liar” Trump, Moscow “Mitch” McConnell, Ted “Cancun” Cruz, and Many Others Have Created the Worst Government in American History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I don’t care if anyone reads this: I simply had to vent my disgust with Trump and his “MAGA Party.” They choose not only to ignore most Americans, they intentionally divided our nation and have a single goal: to shred the Constitution of the United States of America. The leaders of this new “American Fascist Party” have been Trump, Moscow Mitch, and Cancun Cruz over the last seven years. Are these they type of old, white men you would choose to lead the nation founded by Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, and Madison? I hope not. Let’s look at the lack of principles, morality, and character of these three men. It won’t take long because none of them deserve respect. Ted Cruz was the most hated man in his own party when he arrived in the Senate in 2013. His first effort was to attempt a government shutdown. One of his constituents, Republican Senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, told the press: “If someone shot and killed Cruz on the floor of the S

Do the “Cornheads” in Iowa Have any Influence Over Our Elections?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Wisconsin has its “Cheeseheads,” and it’s clear the Iowa has its “Cornheads.” Monday, Iowa’s voters proved that their brains are made of starch by overwhelmingly choosing Trump to represent them in the 2024 election on Monday. If I lived in Iowa, I would be so embarrassed that my state supported a traitor and a loser, I would be forced to find a new place to live. I have a single consolation: the “Corn State” lacks any importance in our national elections. I admire certain human qualities, including honesty, a high moral standard, the desire and ability to think freely, and common sense based on facts. I believe these qualities inspire other attributes including compassion and understanding. These qualities earn my respect, the greatest honor I offer any man or woman within my frame of reference. Sadly not a single member of today’s “Republican Party” has any quality and is undeserving of my respect. Our elected officials have a single, basic purpose: to work

How the Media Created “Trumpenstein”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump is not a smart man, and I’m being very kind. In 2023/24, he appears to be in early stages of senility. There is no possible way his low level of intelligence orchestrated his success in politics. Before Trump, George W. Bush was undoubtedly the worst, least intelligent president in American history. However, it took less than six months for Trump to prove that he would forever be the worst man to ever reside in the White House. However, he had a great deal of help. His incompetent party, led by the old man in the Senate, Moscow Mitch McConnell, covered up his many crimes, proved he was above the law, and offered unfettered loyalty, although in private they despised the weak-minded old, obese, white man who failed at everything in his 77 years. Trump remains the least qualified presidential candidate to seek either major party’s nomination. However, it was the press, the once respected Fourth Estate, which aided his and Vladimir Putin’s efforts to win the

If Trump, Haley, and DeSantis are the Best the GOP has to Offer, the Once Grand Old Party is in Deep Shit

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Seriously? If an old, obese, lifelong criminal, and fascist, a two-faced hypocrite, and an obvious moron who continues to battle Disney, hates minorities, is a confirmed misogynist, and a homophobe, are the best the former Republican Party has to offer, they are truly standing in shit up to their chins. Not one of them, or anyone else they might offer is qualified to lead our diverse nation of more than 330 million people. Not a single man or woman who calls themselves a “Republican” in 2024 is capable of becoming an average president. They have proven themselves not only incompetent, but unwilling to lead our nation forward into the 21 st century. The truth is, the “Party of Lincoln” has not existed since 1981, and became a party of extremists with the advent of the TEA Party in 2010. They are now so far to the right they openly support fascism and all of its evils. There is virtually no difference in physical age between Trump and President Biden. However,

If NFL Officials Were Paid One Dollar Per Game, It Would Be Too Much

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Did you watch yesterday’s game between the Miami Dolphins and the Kansas City Chiefs? If you did, you witnessed another low in NFL officiating. Yes, the Chiefs won, but not because the game was fairly called by Roger Goodell’s incompetent officials. Missed calls once again could have decided the game. Yes, Chiefs receivers dropped balls, again, and yes, the offensive line cost them at least one touchdown with the commission of a penalty. However, a national audience once again witnessed the many failures of the worst officiating team in professional sports. Although the Chiefs were significantly violated by the refs, both teams were harmed by calls and non-calls. This has been the pattern over the entire 2023/2024 season. If coaches or players complain about the officiating, they are fined and even suspended. However, Goodell’s referees are never punished for their incompetence. The NFL is a fascist organization which frequently decides the outcome of games, i

Someone Please Tell Donald Trump to “Shut the F**k Up”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   He has never had anything of value or substance to say. He complains, attacks those who expose him, but has never offered anything positive for our nation. Trump is clearly illiterate, poorly educated, and embarrasses himself every time he opens his pie hole. Fox “News” has proven that it is far from a legitimate news agency by supporting a single candidate and a single party. However, this right-wing propaganda machine is a perfect fit for the orange fool. Like their demagogue, they have never offered anything of value to the American people in 28 years. When they do report a legitimate news story, its about a rich white child who was allowed to attend a party in a foreign nation and went missing. The Natalie Holloway story was on their pitiful broadcast incessantly for more than a year. However, during that time period, dozens of black children went missing and not a single word about any of them. It is an undeniable fact that when Trump speaks he is lying.

The Failure of American Voters and their Poor Choices in Our Nation’s Leaders

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   First, let me begin with the greatest president in American history. The only American leader who placed his nation’s people in priority number one, 100 percent of the time: Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He was elected to four terms as our country’s President, but died on April 12, 1945. The fact that he was unbeatable encouraged the establishment of presidential term limits, passed by the vote of the people on February 27, 1951. Unfortunately, our government didn’t learn much from this change in our system. The legislative and judicial branches remain free to do as they please without restrictions on their length of service. I use FDR first because if he had finished his fourth term, I sincerely doubt that he would have approved the use of the atom bomb on the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. People were of greater importance than corporate profits or reelection. The unnecessary taking of innocent lives remains one of our nation’s greatest crimes, in my opinion

Politicians Have Become the Second Greatest Evil in America: Corporations are Number One

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The quality of life for most Americans is in decline. One small and exclusive group is responsible for this situation: America’s corporations. Something you will never hear from the mainstream media: most working-class men and women dislike if not hate the super-rich. They don’t care about us and live their pitiful lives spending huge amounts of money on things they don’t need, while most of us fear the possibility of a single disaster destroying our futures. The media claims that inflation is becoming less of a problem in our country. To put it simply and accurately, “they are full of s**t.” Greedflation continues. My grocery bills remain 30-40 percent higher than they were two years ago. Gas prices in my state continue to hover around four dollars per gallon. My utility bill rose 60 percent, and they will never be reduced. If you are like me, you rely on a fixed income. Although my cost of living has risen about 40 percent on average, my social security chec

My Personal Distaste for the Military

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I’ll get right to it. I enlisted in the USAF on September 11, 1964. I told my recruiter that I had severe migraines, but he told me, “not a problem.” I was forced out of the Air Force on March 9, 1965 under a general discharge, which kept me from receiving certain benefits, including medial for my military service. The recruiter and the USAF committed fraud and I continue to pay for their crimes today. The draft was in force in the 1960s and recruiters received bonuses for their record of enlistments. Our military is another corporation, not an organization formed to protect our nation from foreign interests. Those who work in the Pentagon waste at least fifty cents of every dollar they are allocated playing with toys they will never use. Wars will not be fought on the battlefield in the future. To make matters worse, America has lost every war it has fought since WWII. The draft was eliminated by Richard Nixon. However, a volunteer army is expensive, and our

Don’t Believe Them, Your Government Will Never Release the Truth About Jeffrey Epstein and his “Friends”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Jeffrey Epstein was a pervert, and all of his friends were or are perverts. It remains unclear whether he committed suicide in jail or was murdered, but as I write this article, the government claims that it is releasing most of the information related to his preference for underage women. However, if you believe your government will release all the facts, you are a fool. If the truth could harm a single current, professional politician, or a CEO of a major corporation, you underestimate the level of corruption in Washington if you have the slightest hope that the truth will be told. Not once between 1980 and today has a single politician or CEO of a corporation been punished for their crimes. America is a land without laws rendering the Constitution invalid and useless. Think about it: Spiro Agnew, Richard Nixon, and Newt Gingrich were forced to resign from office. This was the extent of their “punishment.” The men involved with Epstein include Bill Clinton,

This Date Will Always be Remembered as the Darkest Day in American History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   On this day, January 6, in 2021, a sitting president executed a coupe with the intention of overturning our most sacred, democratic process, the election of our nation’s leader. He began planning and organizing this insurrection immediately after his huge defeat in November of 2020. What happened three years ago today was in fact “the darkest day in American history.” It was worse than the first Civil War because the responsibility for this heinous and treasonous act lies on the shoulders of a single, old, white, obese man whose need to be relevant supersedes his miniscule intellect. I remember watching the insurrection, every minute of the tragic actions committed by men and women whose only goal is to overthrow our democracy and shred the Constitution, with the exception of the Second Amendment. The 2024 election will decide if the American people or MAGA Republicans win the Second Civil War. If we, the people lose, America is over forever. As I see it today

There are More Than Eight Billion, 45 Million Unique Stories in the World

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Not a single person in the entire world shares the exact same story with another. Humans are given free thought and free will, and no one shares another person’s mind completely. Therefore, if we listen really hard, we will find more than eight billion, 45 million unique stories around the world. In my experience, most people have one huge fault, they are quick to judge others without knowing them. No one can truly know someone else if that person refuses to expose their innermost selves to another. Some of the most judgmental people I know call themselves “Christians.” Therefore, they must not have the right to call themselves Christians. In the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus Christ instructed his followers: “Judge not lest ye be judged,” and “Only God, the Father can judge men.” I learned more about this lesson after the passing of my father-in-law. I knew he was a good man who I respected and liked very much. However, at his celebration of life the churc

If Trump Remained in Office, He Would be Impeached for a Third Time

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump was in office for 1,460 days. He committed at least one crime during every sad day he pretended to be your president. We all know of his many Constitutional violations and his crimes against humanity, and we all know that he was impeached for cause twice but never received a fair trial in the Senate. Most of us knew about a situation confirmed and reported to the general public today, which would have demanded a third impeachment. The Emoluments Clause is clear: “The plain purpose of the foreign emoluments clause was to ensure that the country’s leaders would not be improperly influenced, even unconsciously, through gift giving, then a common and generally corrupt practice among European rulers and diplomats. An early version of the clause, modeled on a rule adopted by the Dutch Republic in 1651 that forbade its foreign ministers from receiving “any presents, directly or indirectly, in any manner or way whatever,” was incorporated into the Articles of Co

Compared to Trump, Joe Biden has been the Greatest President in History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   President Biden’s accomplishments are many: far more than his three predecessors. However, he would never be called “the greatest president who every served,” unless he is compared to Donald Trump. Not only did Trump accomplish nothing, not a single positive thing, in four years, he divided our nation and finally, just weeks before his expulsion from the White House, attempted to overthrow our government. Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene and all of the “MAGA Republicans,” who can also be labeled “The American Fascist Party,” or “The American Nazi Party,” continue to blame the President for our government’s failures to solve our nation’s biggest problems. However, a little civics lesson for these ignorant men and women: it is the right and duty of congress to create and pass legislation, not the executive branch. Mr. Biden can either sign the bills into law, or veto them. Healthcare, Immigration reform, the ridiculously high cost of educ

At Least 650 Mass Shootings in 2023: Domestic Terrorism is Destroying America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   “Jan. 6 was not an isolated event. The problem of domestic terrorism has been metastasizing across the country for a long time now and it’s not going away anytime soon,” Wray told lawmakers. “At the FBI, we’ve been sounding the alarm on it for a number of years.” The former was a statement by FBI Director Christopher Wray on March 2, 2021. Today we learned that in 2023 at least 650 acts of domestic terrorism in the form of mass shootings joined every year since 2017 when the number of such atrocities exceeded the number of days on the calendar. Is this acceptable? If you said, “yes,” you are obviously a member of one of America’s numerous Neo-Nazi groups: “Trump’s people.” If not, you care about your safety and the safety of your family and friends. You believe that we should not have to feel fear leaving our homes to attend a concert, a movie, shop at a mall or grocery store, go to a gym, have drinks with friends at a bar, attend services at a church, synagog

Trying to Forget 2023

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I am writing this article on the morning of January1, 2024. I am celebrating the end of one of the worst years in my life, and remembering some of the good. As a political writer, I mourn the end of truth, the rejection of facts and acceptance of blatant lies as reality. I am saddened by the increase in corruption in our government, and its complete incompetence to perform its function and duties. I fear the rise of fascism not seen in America since the dark days of the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. I am completely disgusted by the irrefutable fact that America has become a nation void of laws. The rich and powerful continue to be immune from being punished for their crimes against the people of the United States of America. Only indigent Americans pay full price for their crimes. America now ranks last in quality of life. The 2010 Decennial Census and the 2020 Census revealed that adjusting for inflation, the income of the average working man had declined, no