At Least 650 Mass Shootings in 2023: Domestic Terrorism is Destroying America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


“Jan. 6 was not an isolated event. The problem of domestic terrorism has been metastasizing across the country for a long time now and it’s not going away anytime soon,” Wray told lawmakers. “At the FBI, we’ve been sounding the alarm on it for a number of years.”

The former was a statement by FBI Director Christopher Wray on March 2, 2021. Today we learned that in 2023 at least 650 acts of domestic terrorism in the form of mass shootings joined every year since 2017 when the number of such atrocities exceeded the number of days on the calendar.

Is this acceptable? If you said, “yes,” you are obviously a member of one of America’s numerous Neo-Nazi groups: “Trump’s people.” If not, you care about your safety and the safety of your family and friends. You believe that we should not have to feel fear leaving our homes to attend a concert, a movie, shop at a mall or grocery store, go to a gym, have drinks with friends at a bar, attend services at a church, synagogue, or mosque, or send our young children to school, you believe in my America; the one I experienced for most of my 77 years. Today I worry every time my wife goes to the grocery store.

Now this should frighten you. In his address Mr. Wray did not tell us that law enforcement at all levels was making efforts to end this unforgivable situation, he told us that in the U.S., domestic violence is escalating.

I thought the tragedy from Sandy Hook elementary school would be the worst story I ever covered for a newspaper. However, school shootings continue as our federal government looks the other way, one-half of congress focused on protecting their fascist leader. However, a story this week left me dumbfounded.

On December 30, a Sacramento man, age 53, told his 10-year-old son to go to his car and retrieve his cigarettes. The boy found the cigarettes, but also a loaded gun on the front seat. Later in the day he took the gun to a friend’s house, also 10 years of age. During the event, the young man shot his friend in the head. He died. The young man is now being charged for murder, and his father as an accessory.

In 1976 the NRA moved away from being a gun safety organization and into a lobby focused on increasing the profits of gun manufacturers and gun sellers. If the NRA remained in its original form, and its members followed their instructions included in a free pamphlet, the deaths related to children and guns which number approximately 200-400 each year, would never happen. There are no official statistics at a national level. The only information about children and guns comes from local newspapers.

Our nation, primarily our federal government, must get serious about the increase of domestic terrorism in America. The media has a responsibility to stress the seriousness of this growing problem. “Thoughts and prayers” do nothing but piss off the victim’s surviving families. No other nation in the world has this problem. No other nation encourages virtually unrestricted gun sales as does the United States.

The NRA uses the false claim of a growing need for home protection. These acts of domestic terrorism are committed everywhere from the workplace to our churches, schools and grocery stores. The time for change was decades in the past and today it is mandatory that new, rigid laws protect the majority from the gun nuts.

Write, call, or e-mail your congressmen and senators and demand that they do the job for which they were elected, and do it today.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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