Why Don’t Rapists Receive the Same Punishment as Those Who Commit First Degree Murder?


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


Two issues which never receive enough attention from the media or law enforcement are domestic terrorism, and domestic violence. FBI Director, Christopher Wray declared domestic terrorism the greatest danger to the American people. However, domestic violence, specifically sexual assault in its most egregious form, rape, continues to be a tremendous problem although the victims suffer in the same manner as men and women who lose their lives through an act of first-degree murder.

The targets of rapists are mostly women or girls. This heinous act may result in the death of a victim. However, if the victim survives, her life is forever changed. Some commit suicide, and others require a lifetime of therapy. The perpetrator has in fact taken the life of another human being.

Because more females than males suffer from the crime of rape the courts consider it a lesser crime than murder, once again proving that our court system is prejudiced and even sexist.

Add to this the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy. Now she is forced to make another traumatic decision. In red states is has been made for her: she cannot legally terminate the pregnancy.

“Murder:” the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

“Killing someone is synonymous with taking someone’s life. If you are raped, your mental and possibly your physical life has been taken from you.

Justice is not blind, and fairness is non-existent in our judicial system. For example the average income from our nation’s incarcerated population prior to conviction was less than $20,000 per year. And Republicans claim that poverty does not cause crime.


Op-ed by James Turnage

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