All Game Shows Are “Rigged” in the 21st Century


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


Several years ago, my wife and I began our mornings in the usual way. We watched CBS This Morning, and then the game show, Let’s Make a Deal. I have not watched any television news since the morning of November 9, 2016. I blame television media for assisting Trump in his Electoral College victory. Then, a couple of years ago we ceased watching Let’s Make a Deal. I discovered it was “rigged.” If this show, with its smaller prize list, was “fixed,” what about the shows whose prizes are much larger?

Here's the story, but before I tell it, I want you to know that I contacted CBS and informed them that I had proof that their show was rigged. I never heard back from them, even after offering them the details.

One of the games offered on this particular morning involved a board with 50 squares. The idea was to match prizes or monetary values before uncovering a “zonk.” A young, male contestant was given five seconds to see the board uncovered, then it was turned away from his sight. I memorized the corners of the board to play along. When the game began, he picked some squares around the bottom, right corner. He uncovered a zonk immediately. I cried “foul.” I rewound my DVR, and there it was, the squares had been altered. I called my wife in from the kitchen and showed her. We couldn’t believe what we were seeing. We both asked, “why?” I continue to ask that question.

Today, I no longer watch television “news,” or game shows. I am old enough to remember the “$64,000 Scandal.” Nothing has changed when money is involved.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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