Compared to Trump, Joe Biden has been the Greatest President in History
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
President Biden’s accomplishments are many: far more than
his three predecessors. However, he would never be called “the greatest
president who every served,” unless he is compared to Donald Trump.
Not only did Trump accomplish nothing, not a single positive
thing, in four years, he divided our nation and finally, just weeks before his
expulsion from the White House, attempted to overthrow our government.
Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene and
all of the “MAGA Republicans,” who can also be labeled “The American Fascist
Party,” or “The American Nazi Party,” continue to blame the President for our
government’s failures to solve our nation’s biggest problems. However, a little
civics lesson for these ignorant men and women: it is the right and duty of
congress to create and pass legislation, not the executive branch. Mr. Biden
can either sign the bills into law, or veto them. Healthcare, Immigration
reform, the ridiculously high cost of education, escalating racism, and the
suppression of voting rights are serious problems which have been ignored by
right-wing politicians since January of 2009. They also refuse to raise the
minimum wage, repair social security, protect women from violence, and address
the increase in domestic terrorism and the mass shootings which accompany their
Therefore, it should be no surprise that the Senator from
Arkansas who proved himself a traitor just weeks after his election, is
supporting Trump in 2024. Tom Cotton made this ludicrous statement on
Wednesday, proving that he has no idea how government works.
“When Donald Trump was president, America was safe, strong,
and prosperous,” the endorsement read. “The economy was booming, working-class
wages were growing, our border was secure, and our enemies feared us. With Joe
Biden as president, everything has gone to hell.”
Of course this is completely false. Trump nearly placed our
nation in a depression when he failed to address the seriousness of the
pandemic. “It will just go away” didn’t work very well. More than one million
Americans lost their lives, and the economy crashed. Any economic successes
between 2017 and 2021 were the result of programs put in place by President
If turning over our nation’s secrets to Vladimir Putin made
us safer, I demand Cotton explain this to me. The census revealed that
working-class wages have declined steadily since the Reagan administration in
the 1980s. The borders were less secure. When he stole funding from other
agencies to build just a few feet of his wall, they were destroyed or crumbled
on their own. This was his only “effort,” and, as he has on every occasion, he
failed miserably. As for our enemies and our friends, they all laughed at us
between January of 2017 and January of 2021.
Let’s get to the truth. Our nation, specifically our federal
government, is corrupt and totally incompetent in 2023 thanks to the “party of
no,” created by Moscow Mitch McConnell in January of 2009. Those who call
themselves “Republicans” have done nothing positive for the last 14 years. By
supporting Trump they offer us proof that they have no interest in doing the
job for which they were elected: to serve the American people and improve the
quality of their lives.
I am ashamed of my country. All countries are composed of
people. The government buildings and those who we elect to serve them in are
tools to be used by the people. Unfortunately, they have chosen to rule over us
for personal gain. When I say I’m ashamed of my country, I am talking about my fellow
citizens. They are ignorant or choose to be ignorant in the 21st
century. The have no idea what is happening in the United States of America
today. We are engaged in the Second Civil War. The Combatants are MAGA
Republicans vs loyal and patriotic Americans such as this 77-year-old-man.
If we lose this war, the dream of our founding fathers will
fade into our memories, never to be seen again.
Vote, and vote wisely. All political parties are composed of
liars and are dangerous to your future. Only Independents make wise and unbiased
Op-ed by James Turnage
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